Gecko, how do you manage to soap so cool with all your butters and hard oils? I only make small batches too, but I've been soaping hotter because the oils get cloudy when they cool off too much. I would love to soap at a cooler temp, but I've been worried that if I do, the hard oils might not get mixed in completely.
Me too @Carly B; the coolest I soap is about 5 degrees warmer than the melting point of my highest hard oil, which is palm. I figure it (palm's melting tmep) at 97 from what I found online, so I like my oils and lye solution to be close to 102-105 so that I don't get false trace. With CO and Palm and Lard my oils are clear a bit above 100 and I try to stay within just a few degrees of my lye solution. I know 10 degrees is okay but I shoot for it to be within just a few.
When I checked on Cocoa Butter and Shea (by Googling it) I found about 101 is the melting point of the highest. I guess my 102-105 would be okay if I used these but I'm just beginning to soap cooler so I don't want to borrow trouble
"....How about instead of stick blending to trace, just hand stir a bit more? .... You don't necessarily need trace to make a nice swirl. As long as the batter has reached emulsion it will set (might just take a bit longer)
I feel like HO sunflower or refined SAO give me a huge amount of swirling time. RBO seems to accelerate on me though .....
I mixed my batter to emulsion, then separated off small bits of batter that I SB...
All good points.
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I just want to comment that I love this forum!! There are SOOO many who know a great deal and they're so eager to assist we who have less knowledge/experience. With many chiming in to respond to all kinds of questions over the board topics within it, each person adding their experiences and knowledge, much useful info is presented.
The short answer here is YES! And I personally would recommend that! I usually add my EO/FO at the very last bit because that is mostly the reason things go wonky. As long as your batter has emulsified - you're good to go!
Yup, and I know many of us also might have our FO/EO proportioned out for our main container and our smaller containers of colored soap batter. If our design doesn't call for all of our batter to be placed in the mold at or near to the same time then waiting until right before it's needed (then adding the Fragrance) will give even more time to carry out the many steps of a more intricate design.
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