By my calculations, the superfat calculates out to be roughly -4% without the mango butter, assuming your NaOH is around 100% pure. Very seldom do people get NaOH that pure, unless you're working in a chemistry lab.
A lot of the time, the purity of the NaOH that soap makers normally use is around 95%, give or take a few percent. If your NaOH is 95% pure, the soap is around 1% superfat. If the NaOH has a lower purity than that, the superfat will be a bit higher yet.
If it were my soap, I'd give the soap a week after taking it out of the mold and then zap test it just to have a baseline idea whether it's slightly lye heavy or okay.
Even if it is slightly zappy, I would not give up hope. I'd let it cure for about 4 weeks, and zap test it again. Chances are excellent that the soap will cure out to be fine.
PS Unless someone knows the
soap recipe calculator you're using and what it defines as "full water", telling us you used a 10% water discount is pretty much meaningless. If you want to explain how you decided on the 12.24 oz of water, you could tell us the lye concentration or water:lye ratio. That's an unambiguous way to explain. I applaud you for giving all your ingredients in weights -- excellent info there! Made my job of doublechecking a lot easier -- thank you!