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Soap Diva Queen
Supporting Member
Nov 1, 2008
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Well my turn finally came - Soap On A Stick.... :? I was using Merlot FO for the 1st time and it went into a total seize. So I threw it in the oven and cooked it for about 15 minutes, stirred everything together (colour hadn't even mixed in at the time of the seize) and poured. We'll see what this turns out like....
Sooooo sorry for your sos. :( Maybe it won't be as bad as you think.

Sometimes the supposed failures turn out really well! I have often thrown seized soap into a pot into the oven too. Means a lot of hand-stirring, and the soap comes out a tad lumpy, but it may be very nice too.

Hope your color comes through the way you like. Will you post pics?
Ugh. Sorry, Lindy. It might turn out okay. I'll keep my fingers crossed. You'd think FO manufacturers would come up with something to correct this.
Thank you everyone - the soap is in the mold and I expect it will be just fine. I knew one day it was going to be my turn, although my Cucumber, Melon & Coconut did seize on me too. I think from now on I'll hand stir once I'm ready to add the FO to slow things down a bit. I just finished making a coffee soap using an FO this time and did just that so even though it still moved pretty quickly I was ready.... :lol:

I'm really not upset by this - I'm actually glad because I learned something today, which makes any batch worth-while. It was so amazing to see all that soap kinda stuck on my SB - fortunately I was able to get it off .... :shock:

Once I cut I'll post pics....
Oh Lindy , isn't that the worst feeling when you realize you have cement all of a sudden. I hope it turns okay for you.

Someone posted a link a little while ago that gave advice to keep a kettle of water simmering on the stove, and then if your soap seizes to add a little of the water and it will turn it fluid again.
I don't know if it works, but it's worth a try.
Kitn - I actually started laughing as I was going "Oh oh".....I saw it starting to go and I just couldn't stop it.....By the time I was pulling the SB out (which was like way quick) it was already stuck on it....I now fully understand the description "Soap on a Stick".... :p

Chrissy - I hadn't heard of that before - thank you!

Tanya - thanks! I just cut it and it's going to be okay - I'll post some pictures either later on tonight or tomorrow.....
Lindy, I've been thinking about making a coffee scented soap. What brand did you use?
I haven't tried Nature's Garden. Any other scents that they have that you like?
Actually I've bought several and I like all of them....each person has their own preference on scents so all I can do is recommend you try them with scents you're pretty sure you would like..... that's what I did and I'm glad I did.... :D

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