first soap

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Jul 30, 2018
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I did it. I finally got brave enough to make my first olive oil goat milk soap. I made a 1 pound batch. I have been wanting to do it for over a year and have been reluctant to use the lye ( all the warnings had me scared of getting burned) I finally decided that if I used common sense I would be okay. I have been studying and reading all this time.

Day 1: got everything mixed up and into the mold :)
a. 16 hrs later peaked to see how it was coming along It was completely hard
b. unmolded and cut 1 bar looked good :thumbs:
c. tried to cut more they all crumbled :confused:
d. discouraged thought about what I could do

Day 2: decided to try to rebatch
a. saved the one bar that cut fine and rebatched the rest:)
b. followed directions (I thought ) for doing it in the crockpot using no water:smallshrug:
c. would not melt after 5 hrs so I added some goats milk.after another hour more water.:oops:
d. did not look pretty but I scooped into the mold.

Day 3: Rebatch #2
a. had a crumbly mess :mad:
b. determined not to fail I found out I could rebatch again :cool:
c. added smaller pieces and water this time:rolleyes:
d. 4 hours later into the mold it goes again much smoother going into the mold.

Hopefully it will work this time:nodding:

I did figure out a few things that might have contributed to my issues with original.

1. I was impatient mixed oil and lye at 120 degrees should have let it cooled a bit more.
2. I was so concerned about trace that I had a hard trace before I molded.
3. Too hard when I tried to cut

I also figured out a couple things that might have contributed to my issues with the first rebatch.

1. Too large of pieces
2. no liquid
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First, Congrats for taking the plunge! Just be aware with the added water, it may take a bit more time to harden up enough to cut and then a bit longer once cut to evaporate more water out.
thank you I will remember that be on the lookout for additions of what I hope will be success.
Good job on the persistence! One of my first soap was very similar, and like msunnerstood mentioned, the water can take a while to evaporate, I almost gave up on mine after the rebatch because they were so soft for a hot minute, but I left them alone to cure and now months later the are lovely :)
Can anyone help me I'm really really new to this. I was just wondering can u cool hot soap in the fridge to speed up the cooling presses, so you can add another layer...?x
Can anyone help me I'm really really new to this. I was just wondering can u cool hot soap in the fridge to speed up the cooling presses, so you can add another layer...?x
You could try but it shouldn't take too long to set up enough to add another layer depending on how thick a trace you poured your first layer. I would recommend starting a new thread rather than tacking onto someone else's so that you get more responses for your particular issues. :)
You could try but it shouldn't take too long to set up enough to add another layer depending on how thick a trace you poured your first layer. I would recommend starting a new thread rather than tacking onto someone else's so that you get more responses for your particular issues. :)
Thank you...x
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Day 1: got everything mixed up and into the mold :)
a. 16 hrs later peaked to see how it was coming along It was completely hard
b. unmolded and cut 1 bar looked good :thumbs:
c. tried to cut more they all crumbled :confused:
d. discouraged thought about what I could do

Day 2: decided to try to rebatch
a. saved the one bar that cut fine and rebatched the rest:)
b. followed directions (I thought ) for doing it in the crockpot using no water:smallshrug:
c. would not melt after 5 hrs so I added some goats milk.after another hour more water.:oops:
d. did not look pretty but I scooped into the mold.

Day 3: Rebatch #2
b. determined not to fail I found out I could rebatch again :cool:
c. added smaller pieces and water this time:rolleyes:
d. 4 hours later into the mold it goes again much smoother going into the mold.

Day 4 : unmolded ugly was able to cut but some crumbled very ugly but I hope it's going to be usable

Hopefully next time will be better:hairpulling::smallshrug:

Because I'm impatient I used some of the rebatched soap :shower:I love the way it made my skin feel. It may not be pretty but it does work well so yes I did make my first soap. :nodding::dance:ching it closer

I will be making more and watching it closer in case something similar happens,:D
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Woohoo!! And I'm keep getting better the longer it cures, that's a plus
Unmolded and cut my soap first couple of bars I thought I was going to have the same problem:shakinghead: then I tried something different :nodding:and it worked the bars cut and didn't break yea :dance:I did it now to wait for them to cure.