firefighter soap help?

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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2009
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i was thinking after reading another post in the forum about the firefighters needing soap that cuts the soot, grease and smoke but doesn't stip and dry the skin. does anyone have a good idea for scents that would do the smell cutting? i was thinking after reading the other post about coffee and lemongrass, but am wondering if anyone else has other suggestions. i want to along with my kids, to make a thank you basket to the local firestation out of a bunch of soaps, but i want them to be made specifically for helping them clean up after a fire. thanks ladies!
wow, way cool!

my only suggestion, I brought patchouli dusk from...omg...I forgot which supplier, but it was from a well known one...well anyway if you find that scent, alot of males liked it
What a great idea .!!! Coffee grounds in your soap fight odours .It makes a good scrubby bar , it is great for after gardening. Lemongrass and rosemary help get take away scents ie fish , onions.Some people use cornmeal for the scrub factor. I am sure someone else will pop in a give you more ideas.


my husband is a mechanic and in the alabama heat he gets all sweaty and greasy-usually he showers at lunch and afterwork and he ALWAYS grabs the eucalyptus soap. i "sweeten" it with just a dab of spearmint.

it might help clear out the soap in firefighter's sinuses, too.
Re: x

heartsong said:
my husband is a mechanic and in the alabama heat he gets all sweaty and greasy-usually he showers at lunch and afterwork and he ALWAYS grabs the eucalyptus soap. i "sweeten" it with just a dab of spearmint.

it might help clear out the soap in firefighter's sinuses, too.

a brief update:

i have just finished a batch using pineapple cilantro. dhubby came in for lunch and when he noticed the soap on the table he asked "is that for me?" we both really like the scent. normally, tho supportive, he doesn't say much when i'm soaping. (voodoo-science projects!)

it's definitely a keeper! i'll soap this again! :D