Fire, frills and fruit

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Nov 6, 2010
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Fire soap (flames need better shaping though)

This second is the soap that I made in my posted mess picture. I got a ton of stippling from freaking stearic (I think it got too hot) but to me it looks like a redhead in a bustier, except one of the top ones. Maybe that one is a super skinny redheaded supermodel in a bustier.

Last is my apple CP soap which took forever to make. I can think of ways to improve but I don't know if I will do it again. Scented with Apple, of course.






Holy crap! Those apples are amazing! The imperfections in the red, the different sizes/shapes, all makes them look more real.
Oh wow, all of them are amazing! At first I thought those were real apples, wondering why is she holding apples until I got to the last photo. :p (I look at the photos first then read :) )
Wow, these are great. Really fabulous. Can I ask how you did the flames and the apples? Amazing. I'd like to do some fruits, and I've been wanting to do flames for a Dragon's Blood soap. Yours is very much what I've been picturing in my head: flames and darkness. Wonderful.
How about them apples!! They set a new paradigm for cp soap! I would never have thought it was even possible to get a soap like that without melt and pour! They may have been a pain to make, but clearly you figured it out and have to make more. Hell, you need to make a whole fruit basket!

As for the other two soaps, they are gorgeous too. I myself am a redhead so am especially partial to that super skinny supermodel in a bustier. In fact, I'd rather look at that every morning than my mirror. Wanna trade for an elephant soap?? (So much for charity, eh?)
Magnificent, all of them! I thought those apples were real - oh she must have an orchard and is showing us some of her apples. Doh! Super realistic!
ah-ma-zing!! seriously cannot wrap my head around on how you've managed to pull that 2nd soap off!
Oh wow, all of them are amazing! At first I thought those were real apples, wondering why is she holding apples until I got to the last photo. :p (I look at the photos first then read :) )

me too! doh! i only realized it till now, LOL!

very very creative, great job!
Thank you all!

Moonbath, I may start to sound a little lacking in techniques, but the flame soap is a Taiwan swirl but at a light to medium trace and then the black is poured on top. The black was a bit gloppy when I poured it on which is why I didn't get quite the tips I wanted on the flames. I'm waiting for my shipment of colors to try it again but with better shaping.

The apple soap was made in a number of steps. I made the inside and once it had set up pretty firmly, I cut 2x2x3 inch chunks and (gloved) hand molded them into apple shapes. The soap was still way too caustic to do barehanded. Then it's chilled and I had one or two more goes in the next day or two to smooth out the surfaces and complete the shapes. Frozen hard to keep the batter still saponifying so all the layers would hopefully hold. Then they were skewered and dipped in red batter a couple times and left to drip dry/freeze in the ridiculously freezing cold weather we had. I had to figure out how to gell the surface without gelling the inside so the peel would look more real, which resulted in some kebab action over a stove burner and a candle (and also resulted in some boiling soap which left the white sections and one split open soap-damn). After they were done, I had to shape and insert the stems from some brown soap.

They took about a week all told. Lots of things did not go according to plan and there were smears and all the funkiness along the tops of the apples were I had to cut out some of the red batter for the dip in the tops and it changed the colors etc... I can think of way to do it better but I think I need a big place to keep them frozen. I thought of this at the end of last winter but it got too warm to use the garage to keep them cold so I had to wait. I don't think I'm up to another trial in the next few days as we get more frigid weather. Maybe next year.
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Holy moly! That's quite the process! You really twisted your mind on that one, didn't you! But I don't quite understand why you were trying to prevent the inside from gelling when you were ready for the outside to gel. Was that just so the stem would hold better?
No, it was so the inside would look more real. If it gelled, it gets that translucent look and that's not what an apple looks like inside. If I'm going for realistic, I'm going for as realistic as I can get. Otherwise, I would have had to gel the white part and mold it from after gel, which can be done too, but I don't think it would look as good. When the one broke on me during firing, it really did look real on the inside!