FDA catches B & B Company

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Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
NW Wisconsin
http://www.cosmeticsdesign.com/Regulati ... er%2BDaily

Some of you may have seen this already. But for those that haven't, this is another reason why it's important to know and follow FDA regulations when selling your Bath and Body products.

This in my opinion is one of the worst descriptions on one of their products:
"Rich in aloe which penetrates the epidermal layers, Moisturizing Aloe Lotion hydrates the skin, softening and shielding it from 90% of the sun's damaging rays while allowing 75% of the tanning rays through. "

With such high percentages of skin cancer these days, that seems like an incredibly careless promotion of product.
Genny said:
"Rich in aloe which penetrates the epidermal layers, Moisturizing Aloe Lotion hydrates the skin, softening and shielding it from 90% of the sun's damaging rays while allowing 75% of the tanning rays through. "

IMO thats deliberately deceptive, not ignorant. Disgusting display. They deserved to get busted.

Their website uses open license photos and is written as if English is a second language. I think most people would have seen through that.
I can see why that happened. You know, I had thought labels were to be done in a very certain way but the Grandpa's Pine Tar Soap I bought lists the ingredients something like this: Palm and coconut oils, pine tar, glycerine. No mention of lye or even that the oils were saponified. Though it does seem to be helping my psoriasis. If anything can besides superstrong steroid cream.

When I sell, I'll try and do everything right possible, I guess. Who wants the Feds after you?