Ever since I discovered that it is more important to look at fatty acids, rather than depending entirely on the ratio of hard to soft oils I have been trying to master this next stage of my ongoing education. However, for the last 3 days I have spent hours trying to please SoapCalc in a fruitless endeavor for the ideal bar of soap. It says I either have not enough Oleic acid, too much Linolenic, or the quality values are messed up--too drying, not bubbly enough, UnSat/Sat out of whack, etc, etc, etc. I know that soap-making is an art as well as a science, but I would like to be able to make less costly decisions about which and how much of various oils, butters, etc to use instead of my heretofore haphazard approaches. I also would like to use what I have on hand and come up with something that is not just a replication of a pre-made ready mix. I'm not sure what my question here is except--help!