EPIC fail

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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2009
Reaction score
Southeast Wisconsin
Ok, this HAS to be bad. I tried soaping at room temperature tonight, never really got to actual room temp, but close. I was doing CP.

I made my lye solution with part of the liquid (distilled water) and the rest of the liquid was to come from cucumber puree.

I melted the oils, put my fragrance oils into the melted oils and SB'd. Then when the lye soultion (gel!) was cool enough, I added it to the oils with the FOs in them. INSTANT pudding (and I don't mean Jell-O). I could no longer SB...had to stir furiously.

When I added the cucumber puree, it was no easier to stir. I got it as smooth as possible and stuffed it into the mold. Now I am fearful that I will have to shred this up and rebatch. I hate rebatching.

I know I could wait and see how it turns out, but my fear is that the concentrated lye solution isn't evenly dispersed.

I think I will have to get rid of most of my FOs as they cause me to feel sick to my stomach when working with them. I just have to figure out how much I have and list them on the members ad forum.


FWIW: I used MMS cucumber FO and Crafter's Choice Mango-Melon FO. I know the measurements were correct, as I double-checked them before combining things.
Oh bummer! I don' t know anything about either FO, and can't find them on The Scent Review Board - but it seems one of them (or both) caused accelerated trace. Hopefully you will get lucky...

If not and you have lye pockets - try to collect EVERYTHING including the liquid and HP it.

As for the FOs making you sick all I can say is :(
If for some strange reason (like a giant stroke of luck) I don't see lye pockets or anything out of the ordinary, I will just keep zap testing. I will give it a week before deciding what to do. In the meantime, I will need to CPHP a batch of oatmeal/honey. I need this soap in about a month.

Always an adventure!
give it those few days, you might get lucky.

INstant seize though, that's bad luck. RTCP I've found a little more 'siezeproof' but its by no means universal, unfortunately.

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