I'd love to give that a try in a recipe but methinks it's a bit too pricey.
Emu Oil is pricey! LOL It's the best price on the web I've found to date. I shared the link here for those of us who use it to make creams/lotions to relieve the pain of arthritis, fibro, etc.
I think that is really cheap and wonder if it's not 100%.
I understand your concern... too good to be true, eh? But it is true. If you check the link supplied, Relle, you'll find that the seller has a very high rating -- 99% positive feedback. I've been using them for several years and can recommend the quality of their products and customer service without reservation.
Emu oil can transport molecules through the skin into the underlying capillaries, then into your blood stream.
Emu should be used very judiciously.
1) When my DH was first diagnosed with arthritis, his doctor recommended "emu oil".
2) In 2006 I took a class on making MSM/Emu Oil Cream offered by Linda Lorenzo on Southern Soapers. It was an excellent class and included points made above.
3) I've been making the cream regularly to relieve the pain of arthritis for me, my DH and for my 97-year-old mother ever since.
4) It works! Almost instantaneously for all of us, and for others that have tried it.
5) Words fail me to express how really good this cream is and how happy it makes me to be able to help others. The list of testimonials is long.
6) More importantly, it's less expensive (by half) and
more beneficial in many ways than the top selling "Blue Emu" ($21.95) popular with so many arthritics.
My mom used to wait until Blue Emu went on sale before she could afford to buy it. Now she can have a better product (her words) whenever she needs it! I have one friend who uses it on her face as an anti-aging product. LOL Hubby did a little yard work this week end and strained his back. He was pain free after putting on the cream and is pain free this AM... doesn't even need to apply more. As for me, I have arthritis in my right shoulder and left knee. As I sit here typing I'm virtually pain free and have full mobility of my arms and legs.
Not braggin'... I'm just sayin'...