Earth Meets Sky

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Jan 11, 2020
Reaction score
At The Beach in New Jersey
Ok...I can’t hold it in any longer. After researching the forum about which FOs stick in CP I compiled a list a few months ago and ordered a bunch of those recommended. Earth Meets Sky from Nurture Soaps was one of them. When it arrived and I smelled it OOB I was not impressed at all. It didn’t smell good to me at all. It sat on the shelf for a couple months. Fast forward to last months challenge. I used it in one of my attempts. Holy moly! After a few days, the true scent started emerging and let me tell you....I’m gonna order a gallon of this stuff! Lol. I LOVE it! If you are a patchy, musky, incense fan, you will love this. It’s hard to describe but it is amazing! Thanks to all who recommended it! I can’t walk past my curing rack without picking it up and sniffing it. Just sayin!
I always say not to judge a FO in the bottle. I had one I bought on clearance and didn't care for it. I let it sit on my shelf for about 3 years. Finally thought what the heck. It turned out to be a huge seller and sadly I couldn't replace it. I learned a lesson there so started using some of the others that were just sitting on the shelf. I've had others that have turned out be be really nice.
For U.S. customers I'm guessing. I'm in Canada and for a $40 order, they wanted $20+ in shipping. :(
Ok...I can’t hold it in any longer. After researching the forum about which FOs stick in CP I compiled a list a few months ago and ordered a bunch of those recommended. Earth Meets Sky from Nurture Soaps was one of them. When it arrived and I smelled it OOB I was not impressed at all. It didn’t smell good to me at all. It sat on the shelf for a couple months. Fast forward to last months challenge. I used it in one of my attempts. Holy moly! After a few days, the true scent started emerging and let me tell you....I’m gonna order a gallon of this stuff! Lol. I LOVE it! If you are a patchy, musky, incense fan, you will love this. It’s hard to describe but it is amazing! Thanks to all who recommended it! I can’t walk past my curing rack without picking it up and sniffing it. Just sayin!

Question... when do you add your FO? I've had so many issues with any FO's that I've been sticking to EO's. Maybe it's because I stick blend after adding it and everything accelerates in an awful way.
Question... when do you add your FO? I've had so many issues with any FO's that I've been sticking to EO's. Maybe it's because I stick blend after adding it and everything accelerates in an awful way.
I add my FO at the very last minute after separating and coloring. If I’m doing a swirly design I add them to all the colors at the same time. If I’m doing layers I add it just before I pour each layer as I need to wait a bit between layers for them to set up. Don’t stick blend the FO in...whisk it in. That little bit of extra stick blending will make a difference In how quickly it starts to set up. I never use a brand new to me untested FO if I’m swirling as I don’t want to be caught off guard. I use new ones in simple designs so I get a feel for how it behaves in my recipe.

How timely for you to post this. I just rec'd an ounce today! I ordered some new micas and couldn't really afford a bigger bottle; now I wish I would have squeezed it in!!!
Looking forward to hearing how you like it!
Ok...I can’t hold it in any longer. After researching the forum about which FOs stick in CP I compiled a list a few months ago and ordered a bunch of those recommended. Earth Meets Sky from Nurture Soaps was one of them. When it arrived and I smelled it OOB I was not impressed at all. It didn’t smell good to me at all. It sat on the shelf for a couple months. Fast forward to last months challenge. I used it in one of my attempts. Holy moly! After a few days, the true scent started emerging and let me tell you....I’m gonna order a gallon of this stuff! Lol. I LOVE it! If you are a patchy, musky, incense fan, you will love this. It’s hard to describe but it is amazing! Thanks to all who recommended it! I can’t walk past my curing rack without picking it up and sniffing it. Just sayin!
Can you show the cut please? The suspension is killing me lol
Hi, tank you so much for the heads up on the fragrance oil... I’m new soaping and I highly appreciate your comments /reviews specially in fragrances.... I don’t know it that have happened to you, but; I have wasted so much money ordering wrong fragrances or from wrong suppliers .... I’m looking for some of the best fall/winter fragrances... any recommendations from the expert would be greatly appreciated... Love this forum, so much great information from great people. 🙏
Hi, tank you so much for the heads up on the fragrance oil... I’m new soaping and I highly appreciate your comments /reviews specially in fragrances.... I don’t know it that have happened to you, but; I have wasted so much money ordering wrong fragrances or from wrong suppliers .... I’m looking for some of the best fall/winter fragrances... any recommendations from the expert would be greatly appreciated... Love this forum, so much great information from great people. 🙏
This is also a great thread that people have contributed to that lists FOs that stick in CP. Lots of great info here.
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