Dreaded Pink Spots?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2013
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Can anyone tell me what this is?

After 3 weeks I put these soaps in an open photograph box until I could package them. 2 weeks later I got them out to wrap them and they had these pink marks on them. All 16 bars have at least 1 spot. While they were in the box they were not touching each other or anything on any side except the bottom, which is not any more or less affected than the rest of the bars. Is this DOS? Are they still safe to use? It seems to just be on the outside.

pink spots.JPG
Is the box black inside? I had the exact same thing happen...it's some weird reaction between that black paper they line those photo boxes with and the alkalinity of soap. It isn't harmful and can be scraped off. I line all my boxes with parchment paper now and have not had the problem since.
I agree with AlchemyandAshes on this. It it the reaction of the black dye on the cardboard.

If this has been some diffusion, I would have expected a spectrum of colors though.