I love to hear stories about people who take extraordinarily good care of animals. I guess I feel it maybe makes up a little for those who treat them badly.
I've always loved this quote...."The best index of a person's character is, A. how he treats people who can't do him any good and B.how he treats people who can't fight back.
~Abigail Van Buren~" I think that goes for how people treat animals also. It makes me crazy when I hear a story about someone who horribly mistreated an animal, and all they get is a slap on the wrist. As far as I'm concerned, the punishment should fit the crime. You chain a dog to a tree in the hot sun, with no access to water, and that's what should be done to you. There are much, much worse horrors suffered by animals, and I think whatever they've endured should be done to those who did it to them, x10, just to make sure they get it. End of story, no questions asked.
So Sonya-m, when I read your story about making nose balm for your sweet dog, it did my heart good. And snappyllama, shea oil massages and chakra cleansing.....I'm sure there's an especially nice, and puppy-filled corner of heaven reserved for you, too.