Doesn't pure olive oil soaps take long to set?

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I made a batch of pure olive oil soaps last night. Took awhile to trace even with a stick blender. The thing is, I've always read that olive oil soaps are soft, so you might need to wait alitte while longer before u can unmold it. But mine seems to have set really quick. It's only been about 11 or 12 hours, and it's harden up enough that I could get it out of the mold. I'm finding it pretty strange cos it contradicts what I read online. And it's my first time making pure oo soap, so I'm not sure whether it's a good or bad thing that it set so fast...
Wait a few weeks and then you'll really see what hard is! I'm 2 months into a cure with 80% OO and it's very, very hard! It's OK that yours was ready in 12 hours, I believe mine were too.
What was your lye solution %? I ask because 100% olive oil soaps can actually set up nice and quick if you use a high lye solution %. I usually use a 33% lye solution instead of a 'full water' amount, and my 100% olive oil soaps are firm enough to be unmolded and cut within about 12 hours. The one and only time I ever used a 'full water' amount with my 100% olive oil soap, it took a week to unmold and a few weeks on top of that before I felt it was safe to cut it without it falling apart. :lol: Never again!

IrishLass :)
It depends on what grade of olive oil you use, the concentration of the lye solution, and if the soap gels. But it's just fine.
It can also depend on the FO. I've found that accelerating FO's will make the bar much harder much sooner. I've been able to unmold after 8-12 hours with very firm if not hard bars when using accelerators like Plumeria or Cool waters or one like that, even without a gel.
Thanks guys! I was just surprised cos I thought I would need to leave it for like 48hrs before I would be able to unmold it. So when I could unmold i earlier on, I wasn't sure if everything was ok with my soap!

But if that's pretty normal, then it's all good. lol

I didn't use any FO's, and used Extra Virgin Olive Oil cos that's what I could find. And when I was looking through this site to see if anyone else experienced this b4 starting this thread, I read that most ppl prefer to use Olive Oil instead of EVOO for soaps. Any reasons for this besides pricing? Cos I can't find Olive Oil here, it's either EVOO or Olive Pomace.
Where are you located? We might be able to help you with a supplier.

Nothing wrong with pomace in soap.