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For me I have had success using an OTC anti-fungal spray (the kind used for athlete's foot) to treat the Intertrigo that results in the abdominal fold.  There are anti-fungal powders as well, but I prefer the spray for ease of use. 

An interesting aside re: MOM (mainly magnesium sulfate) and tongue injuries from biting the tongue.  I have been suffering the painful result of biting my tongue (so much stress over my car problems I suppose), probably in my sleep because I don't remember the event happening.  Healing was taking so long that I decided to look for some home remedies online and found a site that recommends coating the bitten tongue with MOM.  Since I had a bottle of MOM in my car, I decided to give it a try.  It actually did relieve the pain for a short time.  It doesn't feel as though it has aided any healing, though.  I was surprised by the actual reduction of discomfort, though.  Yet I do remain skeptical about it promoting healing.
