Cucumber Soap?

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Dec 12, 2014
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Hi everyone! I have made hundreds of batches of CP soap, but this cucumber soap I have been working on is baffling me!

My recipe is:
80% Extra Virgin Olive Oil
15% Coconut Oil
5% Shea Butter

1oz Cucumber Puree per lb of soap (I am making just a 2lb batch), 5% superfat, positive my lye is good, and my calculations are correct, and I have it scented with slow moving essential oils. I have made this 4 times now (changing my recipe all the way up to this much EVOO trying to get it to slow down)

I can't find anyone else mention anywhere that cucumber puree added at trace accelerates soap, but mine is doing so HORRIBLY! I have a soap in mind with lovely layers and colors, but I cannot even get my little 2lb batch in the mold fast enough to not have horribly lumpy layers and air bubbles throughout :( I know shea and coconut can move pretty quick, but I would think with 80% EVOO, it would counteract them!

Has anyone else ever used cucumber puree in soap, and if so, what was the outcome?

Thanks! I am excited to be part of this group!
Yup I use it all the time to replace the bulk of the water. No acceleration here. What EOs are you using? Are you water discounting?
I have used cucumber plenty of times with no issues. Like Coffeetime, I use it as part of my water. What I do though is stick blend it into my oils before the lye is added. I would ask what temps you are soaping at, what is the lye concentration, and what EO's are you using?
How bizzare! I am using 100% lye flakes, full distilled water amount from the BB lye calculator, and Lavender 40/42 and Bergamot essential oils. I am soaping at 95F for my oils, and 115F for my lye water. I cannot for the life of me figure out why it is giving me so much trouble!
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I've used both of those EOs and don't have an issue. Who is your supplier? A reputable place? Not eBay?

I've also read in another thread that as your oils get closer to the end of their shelf life, the fatty acids break down and react faster, accelerating trace. Are your oils fresh?

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