I found a recipe online for a facial soap and one of the ingredients is 16 oz by weight of fresh cucumber peels and all. Wouldn't that make the soap go bad quickly? :shifty:
I did it once years ago. IIRC, I replaced the water or part of the water with a mix of half and half frozen yogurt and frozen cucumber. It was very nice.
I have used cucumbers in some of my soap. I just pureed them in the blender and added at thin trace. I have never made that large a recipe using cucumbers, though. As stated above, deduct the weight of the cucumbers from your water.
I've made a few recipes lately with cucumbers...today a recipe with yogurt...what attracted me to this recipe was the whiteness shown of the soap...of course the author had a big problem with acceleration and heating which I didn't experience...nor did my soap come out white...sort of the most beautiful pale butter yellow...
With that said one batch had a couple of larger chunks in it that the lye monster turned brown....not the end of the world but now I choose to strain the pulp and simple use the juice....it's the end of cucumber season here with cooler temperatures so between my plants at home and a clients I must have had 15 pounds of cukes...it was a variety called Yamato so the fruit were the usual 16 inch plus Japanese type....
I run my cukes through a juicer and use it 100% in place of water. It does discolor the soap to brownish green so I use green mica to make a nice color.
Mine are only 4 months old or so but so far, no issues with the juice.