Crazy dreams...

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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2009
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I've had several weird dreams lately. Maybe not so weird but extremely vivid and real.

So last night I had a dream that Johnny Depp cut my hair. He cut it to short and I got mad at him. Who the heck get's mad a Johnny Depp. Anywho I woke up and ran to the bathroom to look at my hair... lol. So real...
Oh, I've had several dreams about Johnny Depp, but in them he's not cutting my hair. :shock: Still, I always wake up before it gets really good. *sigh* I can't even cheat in my sleep...not even with Johnny Depp. What is wrong with me?!
NancyRogers said:
Oh, I've had several dreams about Johnny Depp, but in them he's not cutting my hair. :shock: Still, I always wake up before it gets really good. *sigh* I can't even cheat in my sleep...not even with Johnny Depp. What is wrong with me?!

Hahaha :lol:
I dreamed I was trying on Johnny in sight and I'm kinda glad for that! :shock:
NancyRogers said:
Oh, I've had several dreams about Johnny Depp, but in them he's not cutting my hair. :shock: Still, I always wake up before it gets really good. *sigh* I can't even cheat in my sleep...not even with Johnny Depp. What is wrong with me?!


It's funny you should say that because I often dream about different men but just before it gets juicy I wake up....grrrrrr. I don't cheat in my dreams either which really bums me out cause just a little something would be real nice..heck i'm not asking for the whole nine yards! :lol:

I have a journal which I call my dream book. I keep it next to my bed and the dreams that I remember vividly I jot them down. I just started doing this because I dream so often and remember many of them! It'll be interesting to read them all again a year or 2 from now.

I have always had extremely vivid dreams, some seem like memories to me and I can recall them years later. The night before last I dreamed I was meeting Ben Affleck for a rendezvous and my husband was pissed (in the dream). I don't even like Ben A at all! BTW my dreams aren't always about men :? It is very interesting to get a dream book, Sibi, and for every word you jot in your journal look it up and briefly write down the meanings in the order you originally wrote the dream and often you end up with an almost logical story. I have looked back even a couple months later at a dream that didn't make sense but in hindsight what the meaning was definitely made sense.
You haven't been watching Edward Scissorhands before you went to bed, have you ? :lol:

Relle9 said:
You haven't been watching Edward Scissorhands before you went to bed, have you ? :lol:

Relle. But I totally forgot he cut hair in that...I remember the bushes and stuff. How funny!
Hmm, Johnny Depp. Sounds like a nice dream.

I've had the same dream on and off for the past couple weeks.

DH and I are in a pretty little white boat, rowing towards a small island. It's a little scary for a bit because when it looks like sharks are going to attack, but then we see they're not sharks, but dolphin. We dive out of the boat and let the dolphins swim us to the shore. I always wake up as soon as we get to the shore. I really can't wait to see what's on that island.

I should note that I just read Eat.Pray.Love. and might be the teensyest bit influenced by Elizabeth and Felipe and their excursion to Gili Meno.
Also, when I was a kid my parents frequently took us by boat to the tiny little island of Bimini. On one trip over we were surrounded by a school of dolphin and my father, clown that he is, jumped in yelling SHARK - I'll save us! Once we went afraid anymore, we swam with dolphins in the middle of the ocean. I don't think I'll ever forget the sheer joy. I dream about those dolphins - alot.

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