Well-Known Member
I think my first shaving soap experiment has went awry! I have never had such a wet texture and separating before with hot process. I have a small 1 lb round plastic can that's perfect for making test batches, after pouring my mixture in the can, 15 minutes later there is a half inch of liquid floating on the top.
My recipe was: 16 oz total oils
Castor 25%
Coconut 76- 24 %
Cocoa butter 13%
Lard 11 %
Crisco 9%
RBO 8 %
Soybean Oil 10%
water at 36% and 6% superfat
2.76 oz water and 3 oz Aloe Vera Juice, water was slushy and I added the 2.2 oz lye to the water, let it cool and then added cold AV juice to it, didn't get any burning.
Added the lye mix to melted oils and stick blended to trace before remembering my clay oops! So I quickly mixed 1 tbsp bentonite clay with 2 tbsp water, there goes my water discount -- stick blended like crazy and seem to have gotten it all incorporated in.
It cooked pretty fast, like 15 minutes then immediately seperated, so I stick blended it back to some kind of thickness, added my .8 oz FO, stirred and stirred and poured. It ended up looking like really traced CP instead of HP but it did go through the entire cooking process ( I watched lol) and no zap.
I have never worked with aloe vera juice, cocoa butter or clay before so is extra liquid common, or the consistency that different with any of those? Thank you so much for any ideas.
My recipe was: 16 oz total oils
Castor 25%
Coconut 76- 24 %
Cocoa butter 13%
Lard 11 %
Crisco 9%
RBO 8 %
Soybean Oil 10%
water at 36% and 6% superfat
2.76 oz water and 3 oz Aloe Vera Juice, water was slushy and I added the 2.2 oz lye to the water, let it cool and then added cold AV juice to it, didn't get any burning.
Added the lye mix to melted oils and stick blended to trace before remembering my clay oops! So I quickly mixed 1 tbsp bentonite clay with 2 tbsp water, there goes my water discount -- stick blended like crazy and seem to have gotten it all incorporated in.
It cooked pretty fast, like 15 minutes then immediately seperated, so I stick blended it back to some kind of thickness, added my .8 oz FO, stirred and stirred and poured. It ended up looking like really traced CP instead of HP but it did go through the entire cooking process ( I watched lol) and no zap.
I have never worked with aloe vera juice, cocoa butter or clay before so is extra liquid common, or the consistency that different with any of those? Thank you so much for any ideas.