So quick question for anyone who has knowledge of melters. I'm curious if there are any melters out there on the market that you can melt to the specific temperature needed for CP like 110F? I have been looking around the Internet for years and never seen one that you can set to a specific temperature. I know the quick answer is to melt your oils in one then fill up your container and allow to cool to the proper temp. But that's why I'm curious if there is a melter that you can digitally set to the exact temp you want your oils. Or even if there is an analog one that heats to the correct temp for CP? Any and all suggestions welcome. I've made my CP in a crockpot and a double boiler. I don't have a gas stove these days so getting a double boiler to the right temp is more difficult now and my crockpot heats to around 160 on "keep warm" setting. Thanks in advance.