CP and MPmolds

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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2009
Reaction score
Yakima, WA
Does cp soap get too hot for those melt and pour molds?

What about if I put it in the fridge?

Just thinking I might run across some cool molds on my trip:)
I have used those kind of molds and it works great, just prepare the mold so the soap comes out ..just ask me how I know ,I dare ya.:D

How do i prepare them, cause ive had nightmare times getting soap out, i quit usjing them, i LOVE silicone they pop right out.
I know you can use vasaline honor but I've also heard that's not the best thing to use. Hopefuly someone else will have another idea.
I use mineral oil or spray oo pam . But not on the one that has been stuck in the mold for 2 months. :D If I ever run out of soap I might need to use it.:wink:

Cp and Mp molds

I use those little milkyway molds alot for my Cp. It works best for me if I don't gel...I just put them in the fridge for 12 hours or more. It also helps to have a reasonably hard recipe to begin with. I add a little bit of SL to my lye water (about 1 tsp.for a 2 lb batch). Too much SL and the soap crumbles when I try to unmold. So far, I have been "oiling" the molds well with mineral oil. Let the soap sit in the mold a day or two at room temp until the surface of the soap feels firm and not tacky. I use the same technique to unmold as I would with M&P. If I get a lot of resistance, I pop in the freezer for about 30 minutes or even less if the mold is shallow. The cheap clear plastic molds from Hobby Lobby or Michaels do not hold up. The sturdier molds like the MW ones are best. Also, helps to place the empty mold on a tray or cookie pan and transporting it when full to the fridge this way.