Newbie and I are big advocates of low water, under
certain conditions. We have had soap stay at emulsion for literally over an hour using this method.
Recipe is important. Known accelerants like pomace olive oil, high castor, and high coconut oil will speed trace time.
Adding colorants.
Mixing colorants in water, like TD, speeds trace in that portion, more so when using low water in the main batch. AC can thicken up batter too, making the split portions uneven in thickness. Finally, we both found some brown micas also speed trace.
Stick blending.
People have a tendency to over sb. They go beyond emulsion to a light thin trace and think it is actually at emulsion. Learning to sb only to emulsion is key with low water. I will edit this and insert a link to our smf youtube channel where newbie made a video on blending to emulsion only.
Finally, fragrance!!!
Fragrances that do not A in regular or high water
may A super fast in low water. Newbie and I have experimented for at least a year, if I am correct, with fragrances and found several that work beautifully in low water. The fo is key. I listed several fos in my challenge thread that work well in low water.
So low water
can slow trace to a crawl, if you keep all these tidbits in mind. I will go find that link to newbies video, and be back to edit!
Two great videos on sb to emulsion and trace.
A final edit.
My recipe is typically
15% sweet almond oil
5% castor
Either 18% coconut oil OR 12%pko flakes and 8%co
Lard is the rest
Occasionally I will up the castor to 6%, i recently tried a 5% addition of avovado oil, and sometimes I add shea.
Ok, last edit I promise! Here is the list of fos that work well in low water. I posted this on febs challenge thread, but it would be unfair to make everyone go dig up the list if they were curious. Here is a c and p of it.
Lionprincess quote-*
I like bb neroli Shea blossom, kumquat, lychee red tea I think it is, Summer fling A on me in low water, fresh snow behaves very well (if you like it, newbie can't stand hate thing), BlackBerry sage went well, moonlight pomegranate clumps a little (ricing) and A, but smells good, champagne behaves, tobacco bay leaf though I don't think I used low water on it, i was able to do a butterfly swirl so behaves enough for that. Lavender forest is perfect.
OT fragrances in low water that behave, green Irish tweed, silver mountain water, but not made to measure, it says on the site it's a pale cream, no, it's a D to rich milk chocolate and A. Mysore sandalwood is supurb in low water.*
Fragrance buddy black cedarwood and juniper behaved well in low water, patchouli passion too.
Looking at my notes from previous soaps, here are more suggestions...
Almond from rustic escentuals worked in 40% lye, toffee sugar crunch from daystar, pomegranate black currant (from bb i think, can NOT remember, newbie would probably know) blended with earl grey from mad oils, black amber musk from wsp, oakmoss sandalwood did ok from wsp, be delicious blossom wsp, the perfect man from ng...
Several of those did happened to discolor unfortunately, but they did work in low water.
NEWBIES QUOTE (from the old thread)
I can tell you that Champagne, Blackberry Sage, Lemongrass, and Kumquat work well. Most Sandalwoods and straight Patchoulis work well. I think Espresso works well in low water.
(I *think* these are predominantly bb fos, but I am not certain.)