Soap is soap when it's made with lye and fats.
If you see ingredients that take longer to read out lol, like sodium cocoyl isethionate or some such, then it's most likely a synthetic "detergent bar" or syndet for short, or a hybrid.
Thank you for adding that terminology to my repertoire! Syndet, cool!
How long are you curing these before judging them?
Never, ever put true soap on metal anything to rest. Fast route to DOS.
If you need help with recipes until you get your computer/printer issue fixed, feel free to ask. If I am off work, I'll be glad to make recommendations and run recipes through a calculator for you. As will half the forum.
Hello Susie,
Thanks for your response and assistance. I didn't realize that the wire racks were so important. I saw a video where the bars are dried and cured on paper towels. Is it known what the connection is with the DOS and the racks?
I have gotten on SoapCalc on a tablet and have become more understanding of what the various different values can cause. I've made batches and the quantities shown without realizing the quality values. The batch #4 CP Olive/Coconut oil with what I thought was an appropriate amount of salt (added at the wrong time) and with FO (First try) is my fault IMO for not heeding the quality numbers. At 15 days it is still soft (malleable). My #2 batch HP Olive/Coconut Goatmilk made poorly with an approximation of a SoapCalc ratio is 24 days old and is still slightly malleable. I've used batch #2 on a thin piece that hardened enough early and it is very slippery. Concerned with slipping in the shower. But seems mild on my face and is a good alternative to shaving cream.
Going to let them sit and cure longer and see what happens.
Currently I am chasing a scent. The scent of Crabtree and Evelyn Goatmilk triple milled soap. It was suggested that it was lavender, but doesn't match the scent of the lavender FO soap Batch #5. It also isn't Honeysuckle FO, Batch #4. Thinking about trying to mix and match!! Purchased some Sodium Lactate to experiment with the next batch.
My batch #5 is a recipe I got from another Member for Olive/saltwater soap. It is coming up on it's two week cure time and will be tested next.
One last thing please, the soap mentioned with the probable DOS was my 1st batch. I used several pieces of the soap and liked it. It wasn't until the 4 pieces and about 3 weeks when I noticed the change in color and streaks of what looked like orange stripes on the surface of it, not on the interior. Is this consistent with DOS?
Thanks again
@GlenS I know you're chasing this (potentially unattainable) fragrance and feel you had with C&E soap, but I bet that once you start making your own soap, you'll find all sorts of attributes that you didn't know were possible. So keep your mind open to various recipes and the wealth of information available on this site, and you may end up with something far suprior to your previous soap, at a fraction of the cost, and with the satisfaction of having made it yourself!
Thanks for the encouragement and hope
. I wouldn't have believed the amount of information on soap and the importance of it before I started. After the correct fragrance I would like to try getting a good recipe for a Goatmilk and another for Buttermilk. I want to see what these ingredients bring to the mixture. Then some form of exfoliate, possibly like oatmeal. I need mild.
Investigating sodium lactate to compensate for my not liking HP so much (now) and for my lack of patience.