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Apr 9, 2022
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Hi everyone! I've been wanting to start making soap/bar shampoo for a while for 2 main reasons. Firstly I really want to reduce the amount of plastic we use in our house and secondly myself and my two daughters have very sensitive skin and scalp. One daughter especially- we still haven't found a shampoo that doesn't irritate her and as she heads into her teens is becoming more conscious of her scalp. Anyway I have only made one soap so far but can't wait to get some lovely natural recipes and get going!

I have only made one soap so far but can't wait to get some lovely natural recipes and get going!

Please read: Advice to Beginners There you will find a link to Lovin'Soap Studio and an excellent Tutorial for making CP (Cold Process) Soap as well as other TIPS for Newbies.

Basic Trinity of Oils is a starter formula where you can learn about the 3 basic elements of a balanced bar of soap.
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I find many store-bought shampoos (based on synthetic detergents) to be irritating to my scalp as well. If I buy shampoo, I have to spend a frustrating amount of time reading ingredients lists to figure out which ones are likely to work for me.

Unlike Zany, I can't use lye-based soap as a shampoo at all, even with an acidic rinse after washing.

I make my own shampoo bars based on synthetic detergents that I know don't irritate my scalp. I like them very much.
Thanks so much, it's great to get that info and I will definitely do a lot more research on benefits/ possible issues with using the lye based products on hair. I may have to look at other ways of making natural shampoo, especially for my daughters- I'd hate to ruin their beautiful hair
Please be aware that lye-based Soap can destroy the hair. It is not shampoo. If you search this forum there are a lot of discussions here about the use of soap on hair. From the opinion of a long-time cosmetologist, it is a do not use, the ph is much too high for hair. You can design synthetic shampoo bars which are mild for hair and scalp. For folks that cut their hair regularly they can get away with using soap because the damaged hair is cut off, but for young girls with long beautiful hair nope, they will be heartbroken when their long hair has to be cut off due to damage. Remember hair is dead and dead cannot be fixed.

Sometimes a light vinegar rinse will help if the scalp is sensitive to cut any leftover soap scum on the scalp. Just do a lot of research and good luck. It takes a very long time to re-grow long hair or any length for that matter.
SO sorry! I apologize.
@DeeAnna @cmzaha I have no wish to offend anyone and this isn't the place for an ongoing discussion about the benefits of all natural shampoo bars vs. syndets so I've removed my comments until such time as @Soapydee is ready to start a thread on the subject.
@Zany_in_CO -- You explained you use lye-based soap to wash your hair and it works for you. You didn't express yourself in a way that should offend anyone, certainly not me. No need to delete what you said.

I explained that using lye-based soap to wash hair did not work well for me. I think I expressed myself in a way that should not offend anyone else either.

I think the OP did make this thread an appropriate place to discuss the pros and cons of using soap for washing hair, since they made it clear family members have "sensitive skin and scalp."

We've gone 'round and 'round this issue so many times, Zany. I would think you should know by now if you chime in about soap being fine to wash your hair, others are going to chime in about it not being fine to wash theirs.
Sorry everyone, I didn't realise it was a controversial subject. The first book I read on soapmaking was in relation to shampoo bars and the book didn't highlight any possible issues. This is one of the reasons I joined this forum to get advice and ideas from more experienced soapers. Huge thanks to you all and I respect that everyone has different experiences with soap for shampoo varying with great to definitely not great! I'm a scientist and love researching so I'll read through all the previous threads on this issue and I welcome any other comments both for and against it's use.
Thanks again everyone
Welcome. Spend some time reading as that will save you time in the long run. I learned so much more after coming here and a few things that needed to be UN-learned at the same time.

Everyone's skin is different, so make small batches for testing out each recipe and take notes. Since you know you have sensitive skin the Trinity is a good place to start. I found after several years of soaping that olive oil is not my friend and I'm sold on lard soaps. So you really never know where your soaping adventures are going to take you.

I'm on both sides of the shampoo aisle but am using a syndet recipe for my daughter as soap irritated her cochlear implant after her brain surgery. I still don't really understand all the chemistry that is involved in formulating my own recipe but have found one that she likes and that's all the further that I'm taking it. It sounds like you will be formulating your own before long...again remember small batches.

Have a wonderful journey!