I found this interesting.
I hope we can discus the issue without breaking out boxing gloves.
The article is called : Recycling May Be Worst Choice
I hope we can discus the issue without breaking out boxing gloves.
The article is called : Recycling May Be Worst Choice
Most of us believe that it is more "virtuous" to drink from a ceramic mug than a styrofoam cup. But according to the "Times" article, it takes much more energy to manufacture the mug, and each washing consumes significant quantities of both water and energy. One scientist has calculated that a person would have to use a mug 1,000 times before its energy-consumption-per-use is equal to the cup's. In other words, says the "Times" story, "If the mug breaks after your 900th cofhttp://webcache.googleusercontent.co ... k&gl=usfee, you would have been better off using 900 polystyrene cups."