Carrot juice? Anyone?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2013
Reaction score
Warwickshire, Great Britain
Hi. Does anyone here use carrot juice for their water, and I do mean 100%? Except for the Orange soap colour, do you think it does anything extra?
N combination with other liquids/puréed?
It does heat a bit. Carrot seed and/or tissue OILS are fabulous for the skin. And the high levels of beta-carotene are great for eyes, skin, hair, and health. I suspect it's mostly label appeal. Or rather, label "a-peel" ! :rolleyes:

P. S. Majestic Mountain Sage aka the sage dot com, has a nice earthy, carrot FO available. Don't know if they ship international from the US or not.

I've tried using carrot juice and puree twice and both times, it over heated something terrible and I had to rebatch. I need to try again but this time it will go in a frozen mold and into the freezer. Not sure if it really added anything to the soap but it supposed to be good for sensitive, dry skin.
Yes, I've used carrot juice. When you ask does it do anything extra, do you mean does it add anything to the soap, any special qualities? I didn't think so. Maybe label appeal. But then again, I think that a bar of good handmade soap is so incredible, that it's hard to improve on. The soap I made was carrot and yogurt soap. It was very nice, but the orange faded to a brownish, as so many things do in soap. Still nice, though. I think you're better off drinking the carrot juice! JMHO :D
I made a carrot and goat milk soap with equal parts room temperature baby food and reconstituted powdered goat milk. I haven't noticed a big difference in performance but it is a bit more mild ImageUploadedBySoap Making1423186092.041268.jpg than my other soaps. Lathers beautifully too!
I made an organic carrot and buttermilk soap. I bumped up the colour using paprika-infused olive oil and so far it hasn't faded at all (that's after a few months) - it's now one of my favourite colourants as I only use natural colours. I juiced my own carrots rather than buying juice or puree. I didn't notice it overheating - it went a deep red when I added the NaOH and I let it cool to a normal soaping temp before adding the oils. I can't say if the carrot added anything to the qualities of the bar, but the buttermilk is lovely!
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I have used organic carrot juice frequently BUT I found that the color fades over time and then you have an bland looking bar. I have not noticed a huge difference between the carrot soap and distilled water soap. But I love additives.
At one year mine faded. Keep waiting!
Also I used the fresh type sold in the juice section. I had left overs and just froze those for soap. It may hold color if you use the baby food type. I am not sure.
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My carrot soaps also fade. They start off a beautiful bright yellow, but the more they're exposed to light, the lighter they become.
It's sad to know that my soaps will lose that beautiful color of theirs. At least now I know to infuse the oils next time if I want to keep the color.