I'm making cold process (40C) soap (90% Olive - 10% Coconut) since the last 5 years.
I making large batches (20kgs) and use big cube molds.
I was always using a painted drill for stirring and never had any issues with bubbles. Except if i was too careless when pooring in the mold or the soap turned too thick when pooring, something quite reasonable.
The last months i've switched to an immersion blender which made stirring much easier and quick. But since then i'm having issues with tiny bubbles in the final soap.
I've tried anything (very light trace, very careful when pooring in mold, changed temperatures, low speed on blending with much hand stirring, tap the blender, tap the mold etc.) but most of the times these bubbles are there. I've also tested that it's not the wire cutter that does this.
When pooring the lye or the additives (e.g. pomegranate juice) in the mixture i see some similar tiny bubbles forming, but i keep on handstirring till they dissapear. I suppose it's not from stirring, because when pooring to mold i see no bubbles going down.
The other weird thing is that the bubbles appear mostly in the inner (warmer) layers of the cube mold. Suppose that we split the big cube in 4 horizontal layers, these bubbles are mostly seen in the middle 2 & 3 layers, while at the upper & lower layers there are only a few or not at all.
As you see in the pic below, the one on the left is from the upper layer of the mold while the other two are from the middle ones. The soaps from the bottom of the mold, have also no bubbles.
Does anyone knows why this is happening? It's really important for me to understand the process, although it may not be so serious. :0
I'm making cold process (40C) soap (90% Olive - 10% Coconut) since the last 5 years.
I making large batches (20kgs) and use big cube molds.
I was always using a painted drill for stirring and never had any issues with bubbles. Except if i was too careless when pooring in the mold or the soap turned too thick when pooring, something quite reasonable.
The last months i've switched to an immersion blender which made stirring much easier and quick. But since then i'm having issues with tiny bubbles in the final soap.
I've tried anything (very light trace, very careful when pooring in mold, changed temperatures, low speed on blending with much hand stirring, tap the blender, tap the mold etc.) but most of the times these bubbles are there. I've also tested that it's not the wire cutter that does this.
When pooring the lye or the additives (e.g. pomegranate juice) in the mixture i see some similar tiny bubbles forming, but i keep on handstirring till they dissapear. I suppose it's not from stirring, because when pooring to mold i see no bubbles going down.
The other weird thing is that the bubbles appear mostly in the inner (warmer) layers of the cube mold. Suppose that we split the big cube in 4 horizontal layers, these bubbles are mostly seen in the middle 2 & 3 layers, while at the upper & lower layers there are only a few or not at all.
As you see in the pic below, the one on the left is from the upper layer of the mold while the other two are from the middle ones. The soaps from the bottom of the mold, have also no bubbles.
Does anyone knows why this is happening? It's really important for me to understand the process, although it may not be so serious. :0