Canola Oil

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Apr 25, 2012
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Do any of you have any experience using canola oil? It is plentiful and cheap where i am. My soaping budding just picked up 16 litres for around 20 bucks.

Just wondering how it holds up, what sorts of properties it brings to a bar, and your overall thoughts on it.

I've used canola oil, but when I used a high percentage my soaps all dos'd.
At small amounts, I didn't get dos.

But, I know that some people use it in place of olive oil. I also know that it doesn't add much in the bubbles department.
The only soap I ever made that got DOS was a canola batch. It was one of my first ever batches, and wouldn't you know it that I made a fatal mistake in weighing. The soap contained 20% canola oil and my little weighing mistake ended up giving my soap a hefty superfat of 20%. About 5 or 6 weeks later or thereabouts, my soap came down with a bad case of the unsightly DOS measles. My soap only had a 10% total linoleic acid content in it and so probably would've been perfectly fine had my superfat level been down to a normal level of around 5%, but the 20% s/f proved to be too much for it. I ended up gouging out the DOS spots on one bar and trying it out neverhteless. I remember it feeling really nice and non-drying with very modest lather that felt lotiony to me. The soap had a really nice shine to it, too.

In spite of my previous bad experience with it, I'll be trying canola again soon now that I have some Tetrasodium EDTA, BHT, and Sodium Citrate to experiment with. They have each been shown to prevent DOS- EDTA alone, and the other 2 combined together- as has adding rosemary oleoresin to the oils when fresh. We'll see what happens. I think my first experiment will consist of using EDTA in my normal 50% OO formula, but with replacing the OO with canola.

IrishLass :)
The very first soap I made was with 33% canola oil. This was before I learned that it is prone to DOS. However, I have not experienced DOS with this recipie. It's over a year later and no DOS and the soap is wonderful. I attribut this to another thing I didn't know: letting the soap air. I knew the soap had to cure for 4-6 weeks, but I immediately wraped them in wax paper after I cut the bars, not realizing its best if they are just left to air. But I think this helped prevent DOS from forming. And since I still have a lot of bars left (it was a big batch for my first time, yet another lesson I've learned), they have had a really good cure and are hard and really nice bars.

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