The Guild is currently at a standstill for lack of volunteers. As posted on FB as well as on the Guild's forum we are unable to secure a managed insurance plan until we have 150 members signing up for insurance.
For insurance your best bet at this time is The Co-Operators providing your agent is willing to take on the policy. Yeah that sounds pretty weird. I have $2 million liability insurance for $700 per year, lower coverage = lower cost and it is also based on how much you sell annually as well.
If your local agent won't take on the policy then you need to call brokers looking for Commercial Liability Insurance. I found through my journey that the Co-Operators were the best price for me.
I am going to be taking down the FB page as well as the website since all it does right now is frustrate people like yourself.
If I can be of further assistance, please feel free to PM me.