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Sorry I can’t help more.

My soap room has free flowing air and is cool - no sun ever and it’s on the cold side of the house.

I wouldn’t blow a fan directly on curing soap. Blowing it around the room is probably ok.

Your room must be pretty small if the dehumidifier heats it up.

All I know is that I went for years without DOS problems then I got a DOS batch and I changed my hygiene routine, went with ROE and citric acid and no problem for ages. Then I made some decorative silicone mats to fit in the bottom of a mold. I scrub them clean after demoulding. If I don’t scrub those mats with bleach and a toothbrush and rinse thoroughly JUST before I use them again I get DOS. Also, I only touch them with gloves. I don’t know if it’s the type of silicone (I bought the right type for soap supposedly) or the intricate decorative pattern or what but that’s solved the problem for me. Touch wood.
