Camel Fat

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Sep 19, 2011
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Southern California
Has anyone tried Camel Fat in Soap? I do make a Camel Milk Soap which turns out really nice and sells very well. Thinking about adding in some Camel Fat. Apparently it is a high Oleic fat. LOL, always looking for a little edge in the market.
Off the cuff here, I'd call it "Hump Day Soap: to get you to Friday"

Brilliant idea! And Carolyn, the Trader Joe's around North County have been selling Camel's milk castile soap from...Turkey I think....and people are buying it. It's actually a nice bar of soap and I'd have never thought it was castile. I'd buy it again; in fact I should do so asap because its all I'm using in this ultra low humidity.
I have been making a camel milk soap for at least a year, but am interested to find out how it will feel with the addition of camel hump fat. Hopefully I can find out the SAP value for Camel Fat, otherwise since I do not have a good balance scale I will probably just wing it with some small test batches with without using the camel milk in it, since camel milk here is uber expensive here. My Camel Milk soap is named Hump Day
I can find out the SAP value for Camel Fat
3.2.2. Saponification value
The saponification value of Hachi fat was 202.3.

This value is directly related to the mean molecular mass (Ali, Ali, Ahmed, & Ullah, 2008). The low saponification value indicates that the Hachi fat has a higher molecular weight than common oils. This higher molecular weight is due to presence of high proportion of long chain fatty acids C16 and C18 (more than 80%).

The saponification value of the Hachi fat is similar to tallow (190–202 mg KOH/g) and lard (192–203 mg KOH/g). I think you would be safe using either of those you find on a calculator.

Camel Hump Oil made from the fat is used in cooking and is beneficial to skin.

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