I generally use Soap Kitchen, largely because it was the first main supplier I came across and their range is very good. Though I confess to not having researched other suppliers in huge detail. The trouble is, different suppliers may have different prices but you have to remember to factor in multiple postage costs, and to me, shopping around is extra hassle and time I can do without. I find Soap Kitchen's range is good, quality is fine, service is fine and I think generally prices are pretty reasonable. They have also been very helpful on occasion when I have contacted them for advice. Buying EOs from anyone else but a soap supplier (whether Soap Kitchen or another) is a no no I think. Holland and Barrett and Boots etc prices for EOs are on another planet. Fine if you just want to top up your pot pouri but making soap, no way. I don't buy cocoa butter from Soap Kitchen, hugely expensive, generally from The Soapery on Ebay. Quality seems good, but comes in large chunks that I have been cutting up at risk to fingers. (Never occurred to me to melt it down and re harden it into smaller bits till I read another post the other day.) Otherwise, I buy ordinary olive oil from supermarkets, though some people find that it can go DOSy sooner and not last as long, I haven't found this particularly. Also coconut oil I have purchased quite cheaply from Amazon, when they've got an offer on or Sainsbury's, again when they're reducing prices. The brand is KTC. It's pretty basic, probably chemically stripped etc, but I am of the view that if it is good enough for food it is good enough for soap. I've also purchased red palm oil cheaply from Sainsbury's though you'll only want this if you want orangey yellow soap. I've not seen refined palm oil for sale in Sainsbury's but then I've not really looked. Otherwise It might be worth trying local ethnic shops if you have them. Some supermarkets also only sell products like inexpensive coconut oil or palm oil if their are in an ethnically diverse area, so if you live in Kensington you'll only find they stock organic at £12 a pot! The only thing I would say about buying from supermarkets and local shops, is read the ingredients carefully. Some products that say they are olive oil or whatever are diluted with other cheaper oils which would make it difficult to work out SAP values, so you do need to ensure that you product is pure and is actually what it says in big letters on the front of the label.