Has anyone tried this BB recipe? And how do you figure out the right tin/container?
It's a cute mold for soap, but I wouldn't use it for lotion bars. 3oz is a bit much for a standard lotion bar and you're going to have a heck of a time finding a container because of the size of the bar (3.0" x 2.75" x 1.25"). I found a 4oz windowed tin on Amazon that is close...3.3" in diameter, but you would have to short pour as it is only 1.1" high.
As for BB's recipe. I've never used Avocado Butter so I couldn't tell you what kind of bar it would make. But BB does have decent recipes so it wouldn't hurt to try it and see if you like it. And it's a good place to start.
You don't need BBs recipe (you'll find BB's recipes are filled with (in my opinion) unnecessary things so they can sell more and different products.
There is nothing wrong with BB's recipes...they may not be your cup of tea, but they might be someone else's and it's a great way to experiment with different ingredients.
If you want to be technical, folks add a lot of 'unnecessary' things to their products. Like soap...you really don't need anything but a single oil for soap, yet folks use all sorts of soft/hard oils and butters. And then they add things like silk and oatmeal, milk and sugar, salt and aloe vera, pumpkin and coffee, sorbitol and citric acid, the list is endless. I use a combination of four soft/hard oils and two butters myself, plus I use Sodium Lactate and Kaolin Clay. In fact, I recently purchased Sorbitol because hubby says he wants more 'bubbles' so why not?
For Lotion Bars...if you want to be 'technical' again...you really don't need anything but a wax and one butter, and you don't need a fancy mooncake mold. The first LB I made contained just Beeswax and Cocoa and Shea Butter, then I added some arrowroot. I've also tried Kokum and Mango Butters. And I've tried replacing some of the Butters with Coconut Oil, Sweet Almond Oil and Jojoba Oil. And now I'm trying something new and recently ordered Vitamin E Oil, Green Tea Extract and Isopropyl Myristate