The BEST Soap Book
The Everything Soapmaking Book (2nd edition) by Alicia Grosso. It touches on all aspects of soaping. Truly truly the 1st and only book (soap bible) I would recommend for a new soapmaker. From equipment to techniques & ingredients to common soapmaking herbs, color, etc. If you are going to CP, it gets into detail, shows pics of what trace looks like. Has alot of recipes but have not tried any, (I really like my own, but that is/was how I learned about oil properties, besides others, and experience
) Touches on HP. Gives you ideas on how to present your soap.
I would read read read this book till my eyes hurt, then I took the plunge. After I made soap, I instantly grabbed this book, went over what I did, its a GREAT book.
I just bot the book by Ann L Watson. Its great too! Very calming instructions and advice. So, if you can afford, buy both, if you can afford to buy only one, buy the Everything Soapmaking Boak (2nd edition) by Alicia Grosso, and save up for Annes.
Dang....I'm long winded tonite, sorry guys! Dont mean to be
Kat OMG, my dog is under my desk and just farted!!!! Gotta go :x