BB Fragrances - disappointed with OB

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I get the Play-Doh thing from BB's OMH as well but everyone loves it and it sells well, so what do I know? As for the lilac, I don't like girly floral fragrances but I had a big wedding favor order involving lilac so I bought a huge bottle. My house smelled like an old lady's head for weeks. (I had only one mold and made 175 soaps, so you can imagine.) But they loved it and the bride and her mother fought over the leftovers. To each his or her own. To be fair, it does smell like the flower, but I prefer it in flower form.

Energy is really polarizing. I love it; my mom hates it. If it reminds people of Tang or a candy they ate too much of as a child, they turn up their noses. I stopped using it in soaps to sell and just put it in bath products for myself.
Years ago, when the cigar trend was really big, I met a gentleman who said that he always asked the surrounding ladies whether they minded if he lit up a cigar. He got two responses: "Oh, please do. I love the scent! My father smoked cigars." OR "Ugh, no! My father smoked cigars." Scent is a funny thing, more mental than physical.

Crisp Anjou Pear with Champagne is my go-to scent. I love it like hellfire.
So far I like BB's OMH better than WSP's. Less play-doh like in my opinion but those are the only two I have tried so far. Lesser of two evils I guess.

And yes, it took almost a year of soaping to find a scent I like as much as the Champagne with Crisp Anjou Pear. Amazing.
Peak Candle has the best lilac, hands down. Strawberry is another favorite. These are very realistic scents. For OMH, I like Wholesale Supplies Plus.
I second Peak for Lilac fragrance, it is like standing in front of a lilac bush. No one else is even close.