Anyone made liquid soap from soap bar?

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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2009
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As much as I love soap bar, I love liquid soap more in kitchen. So, I was thinking, can I use soap bar, melt it, add some distilled water and have my own liquid soap? I know I can make one using KOH, but it seems like this is more complicated to do.
yea, we do it the hard way cuz we're bored :lol:

No, actually there is no decent EASY way. If you try to just dilute out bar soap you get snot.
Oh it really does turn to snot.
At the end of every couple of weeks I collect up all the little slivers of soap that are too small to hold easily any more and put them in a jar then pour boiling water over the top, then let it cool, then shake and shake and shake every few hours. Then I use this as a bit of a booster in the washing machine, it's better than throwing soap away. But it is really snotty!