Aluminium for melting oils

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2021
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My microwave exploded and I am not replacing it because I like the additional counter space. Bain Marie's are a faff so I bought a nice little electric plate. However, can't use my plastic jugs for melting my oils on that so got an aluminium candle melting jug not thinking about lye and aluminium reactions.

Realistically though, will I have much to worry about if I'm using it just to melt solid oils and I continue to mix with lye in plastic?
Where I see the most likely problem is during cleanup at the sink. That’s where it would be easy to make a mistake while you are washing the aluminum pot at the same time you wash other items with active lye on them: stick-blender, spatula, mixing jugs, etc.

Maybe you could get in the habit of washing the oil-melting pot separately, before the other soap dishes are brought to the sink. For my own distractable self, I’d be concerned that I’d forget to do this.

I have a similar setup with a hot plate, and I use an old stainless pot from the thrift store. Maybe you could find something like that instead?
I don’t think anything will happen in that case, but I am not exactly sure. aluminium makes me nervous when it comes to soap making.
Yeah, I think I should be ok, but a bit like you, it makes me nervous.
Where I see the most likely problem is during cleanup at the sink. That’s where it would be easy to make a mistake while you are washing the aluminum pot at the same time you wash other items with active lye on them: stick-blender, spatula, mixing jugs, etc.

Maybe you could get in the habit of washing the oil-melting pot separately, before the other soap dishes are brought to the sink. For my own distractable self, I’d be concerned that I’d forget to do this.

I have a similar setup with a hot plate, and I use an old stainless pot from the thrift store. Maybe you could find something like that instead?
I hadn't thought about washing up and certainly didn't take any special care washing up so I think you're probably right - it's not the solution I'd hoped.

I'm just annoyed with myself really, rookie mistake, but good shout on charity shops.
I definitely have items that I purchased by mistake that ended up not working at all for me. It's frustrating bc I hate wasting time and money!

Maybe you can use this for making candles?

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