All your fault!!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2014
Reaction score
Darlington, UK
Argh!!! It's everyone on here's fault that this irritates me! I've given up replying that just because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD use HP straight away!

Since I'm not replying anymore I've come here to vent (I know you guys will understand!)
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Remind your each their own. I prefer CP...but everyone has their own thing. HP definitely has it's place in an emergency...and has saved my butt a few times.
Retropixie, what I think has her wanting to pull her hair out is the idea that HP doesn't need a cure. The consensus here is that HP needs just as much of a cure as CP, if not more.

Sonya, just remember: not your monkeys, not your circus. If someone wants to use uncured soap that will just melt away on them, that's their prerogative.
A couple days ago a gal on that FB site posted she was so fantastically happy her new Olive Soap was fantastic. She made it the day before and let her young daughter try it. Her daughters hands looked extremely irritated from unsaponified lye. She mentioned how slick and nice feeling the soap was even though it would not lather. You just cannot stop stupidity.
Seriously?! I missed that one - did anyone inform her that lovely slick feeling could be the lye?!?
Sonya, just remember: not your monkeys, not your circus.

:lol: - Good saying. I like it.

I completely understand how you feel, Sonya. Hopefully, as the months go by and she happens to use some of her older HP bars, she'll begin to wonder why they are milder and/or not so slick and irritating, and seem to last longer and lather better than her freshly unmolded HP bars. And then in her quest to find an answer, mayhaps she'll happen to stumble upon our forum.....and then, know....

IrishLass :)
Even for a newbie like me, it really irritates me seeing this kinda stuff! I'm trying to find this Facebook page/group but can't seem to find it - does anyone have a link?
Hopefully IL!!

I got a message from someone through that group last week after I posted that it irritates me seeing people give new soapers bad advice - same thing, that HP is good to go straight away. She said it wasn't bad advice because it's true - I told that is her opinion and I stand by what I said!
:lol: - ... And then in her quest to find an answer, mayhaps she'll happen to stumble upon our forum.....and then, know....

IrishLass :)

You know...she will pitch a hissy fit saying that we are trying to keep her from making any money, and that something else MUST be the cause, and we are all just mean and hateful, snarky, ugly, <fill in your favorite insult>!!!!!1!!!1!!! And, and, and ...

Sorry, I might be a tad cynical today.:evil:
You know...she will pitch a hissy fit saying that we are trying to keep her from making any money, and that something else MUST be the cause, and we are all just mean and hateful, snarky, ugly, <fill in your favorite insult>!!!!!1!!!1!!! And, and, and ...

Sorry, I might be a tad cynical today.:evil:

Not cynical at all!

But this post and some other recent ones about the garbage being touted on Facebook groups as knowledge make me very glad I never joined any of them
I don't understand where people got the idea that HP soap needs no curing. I've not even made my first batch yet, but I've been researching the saponification process and soap making for months now and not seen anything that suggested HP needs less cure time. My assumption, based on the research was that hot or cold, lye is lye and it takes time to complete the process, and no amount of rushing it will change that. My only confusion so far was regarding water discount and if it shortened cure time, and even that, I wasn't sure of, so I asked.

That pic of that FB post about the kid using the fresh soap upset me. That kid could be scarred by the lye. Ugh.
Not cynical at all!

But this post and some other recent ones about the garbage being touted on Facebook groups as knowledge make me very glad I never joined any of them

I joined them, then left them once I realized that:

1) They enjoyed drama WAY too much.

2) They often espouse ideas that I know are not good science/good sense. Like allowing a kid to try HP soap right after it was made.
I don't understand where people got the idea that HP soap needs no curing. I've not even made my first batch yet, but I've been researching the saponification process and soap making for months now and not seen anything that suggested HP needs less cure time. My assumption, based on the research was that hot or cold, lye is lye and it takes time to complete the process, and no amount of rushing it will change that. My only confusion so far was regarding water discount and if it shortened cure time, and even that, I wasn't sure of, so I asked.

That pic of that FB post about the kid using the fresh soap upset me. That kid could be scarred by the lye. Ugh.

I used to think HP didnt need a cure when I first started about 3 years ago! I read about HP not needing a cure all over on blogs and I never took recipes from them (always ran them on a calculator) but since saponification was "done" I figured that it was ok to use. I didnt really realize the difference that cure itself makes because I read it so many times that HP is good to go when its done and I didnt have any reference at the time. As I soaped more, it became evident. (and I got affirmation of that here)