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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2007
Reaction score
Take this as you will, or leave it - your choice.

Yes, experiment - some of us have to learn by doing. Most of us. But remember a few things:

- There are no "work arounds" for bad formulas. Play away - it's a great way to learn, but don't expect to fix things that are way broken by adding anything.
- Antioxidants do not protect against yeast, mold, or bacteria.
- Preservatives do not make up for dirty conditions, containers, fingers, or ingredients. They can only combat so much...
- If your post is designed to be inflammatory it will probably get the reaction you are looking for. Don't then get all up in arms when you get what you ask for.
- This said, questions asked without that intent are a good thing. DO ask.
- Soap is made with lye. Lye CAN hurt people. Don't muck about with the unsuspecting public. It's not fair to them, and it can turn around and bite you in the hiney.
- Soap needs to cure. I don't care which method you use - if you are mixing lye and oils you need to let your soap cure more than 3 days.
- MP is also soap, just a different kind. Just as with CP, it has its upside and it's downside. Appreciate it for what it is.
- Fragrance oils with vanilla turn soap brown. Often lotions too. Or sometimes yellowish or pinkish. It sucks.
- Too much red clay in soap will turn your morning into the shower scene from Psycho - ask me how I know.
- Don't wear fleece when handling lye - especially large amounts. My neighbors have seen me naked. Twice. (I'm a slow learner)
That is good advice carebear , I only hope people read it before making soap :D

Edited cause I can't spel.
Carebear - you rock! All the things we learn the hard way, pass on in a post and then the post eventually disappears.

Mods - do you think this would make a good sticky?

Tanya :)
- If your post is designed to be inflammatory it will probably get the reaction you are looking for. Don't then get all up in arms when you get what you ask for.
carebear said:
- Too much red clay in soap will turn your morning into the shower scene from Psycho - ask me how I know.
- Don't wear fleece when handling lye - especially large amounts. My neighbors have seen me naked. Twice. (I'm a slow learner)

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

The last one reminds me of the time I was attacked by yellow jackets in my shirt. If I had neighbors, they too would have seen me screaming through the yard stripping off clothes!

Great always! Thanks for the reminders!
carebear said:
- Don't wear fleece when handling lye - especially large amounts. My neighbors have seen me naked. Twice. (I'm a slow learner)

THAT WAS YOU!!! :shock:

lol, j/k
I like your style carebear. You know your stuff and are always confident with your answers. I'm new to soaping and I take it and safety very seriously. I really appreciate your post and everything you have to offer to new soapers like me. I also don't like conflict, which is why I think this forum is great. I don't like heated discussions and debates. I'm just here to learn and make friends along the way. It's so nice to have support and positive influences. Thanks!