I have 5lbs of unrefined Shea that I need to use up in soap as I dislike in sugar scrub due to nutty scent. Two weeks ago I made a small batch with 70% Shea, 20% CO & 10% castor. I was prepared for quick trace but the false trace was CRAZY and immediate! I had never experienced anything like it. It was if a snake
coming alive in middle of oils. I was planning to hand stir only but thought said ‘snake’ needed to get dispersed into rest of batter. 4 tiny pulses, then a few stirs with a whisk and batter was ready to be poured.
I tested a sliver today and I’m hopeful about a bigger batch in near future, but a bit nervous about combatting false trace with bigger batch.

I tested a sliver today and I’m hopeful about a bigger batch in near future, but a bit nervous about combatting false trace with bigger batch.