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Sep 19, 2011
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Southern California
At the end of last December I made two dual lye full vinegar soap single oils soaps. First was 100% Avocado and the second was 100% Canola HO. The 3 month update puts the Canola soap ahead of the Avocado for lather. The Avocado soap is still very gelatinous like a 100% OO soap at 3 months. If you rub the bar on your hands a few times then add water it will give a very light small bubble lather, but not creamy like OO. The Canola soap also takes a bit of extra water to get it going but it has larger fluffier bubbles. Both soaps feel nice after my hands dry. I have been trying to decide what I can replace Castile soap with and so far it is the canola. Thusday I am going to try to pour 100% Sunflower HO and see how it compares. I would love to pour a batch of 100% SAO but it is getting to expensive. Almost twice the cost of Avo.
Thanks for sharing. These kind of experiments are helpful for many of us soap geeks.
It can be frustrating how long it takes to see results of this kind of testing for soaping.
I'm not surprised the avocado is still gelatinous. From what I've been reading about avocado, it contains a large percentage of un-saponifiable oils. This would seem to make it better for a small-percentage luxury additive, maybe 10 or 15% of oils.
I think Carolyn explains her point when she wrote --
"...I have been trying to decide what I can replace Castile soap with..."
Yep that is why :D

Thanks for sharing. These kind of experiments are helpful for many of us soap geeks.
It can be frustrating how long it takes to see results of this kind of testing for soaping.
I'm not surprised the avocado is still gelatinous. From what I've been reading about avocado, it contains a large percentage of un-saponifiable oils. This would seem to make it better for a small-percentage luxury additive, maybe 10 or 15% of oils.
I use a lot of Avocado oil but was real curious how it would be as a single oil soap, again as mentioned I am trying to replace 100% Olive Oil Soap. Will see how this is in 6 months then 1 year. Avocado Oil and Avocado Puree are lovely in soap
Right, but castile is single oil too. I was just wondering if you have a big market for it or it's more for yourself. I find myself not even wanting to share my castile because I don't think most others will enjoy the slime :p
Right, but castile is single oil too. I was just wondering if you have a big market for it or it's more for yourself. I find myself not even wanting to share my castile because I don't think most others will enjoy the slime :p
I do sell plain un-fragranced 100% OO soaps, that have been aged for min of a year. But I do not really like OO in soap so would rather not purchase it. That is why I am trying to find one that I feel is close
what is it about olive oil in soap that you do not like cmzaha?
I make a 75% olive soap and really like using/making the recipe
I have 100% RBO soap at home that I made a few months ago. When I get home next week it is one of my soaps I need to start testing. I made two versions; one with vinegar and one without.

I’d be very interested to hear your thoughts on the comparison between with and without vinegar and the percentage you used.
Here is another update. I am comparing the Canola HO and Avocado soap, which are both vinegar dual lye soaps, with a 100% 3 yr old pomace soap made with water only and 2% superfat. I like the feel of the Avocado soap but it will not lather without lots of water unless you use a bath puffy, then the lather is super fluffy kinda like cotton candy, it is also the most slippery of the 3. I think the feel is much more luxurious that the other 2

Same with the Canola HO, except not quite as fluffy as the Avo and feels a tad more squeaky clean. The Pomace soap actually felt even more squeaky clean and all lathered about the same when used directly on the skin, with the older pomace slighter better. After trying even with it lack of soap on skin lather and the slippery factor I prefer the feel of the Avocado soap

I will continue curing these up to a year and see how they change if they change
What about doing a bastile and adding 5% castor? I know you're going for a single oil...but would the buyer even care? Hrmmmm
Castor does not really add bubbles, it supports lather. CO, PKO or Babassu are the lathering oil, since they are higher in Lauric and Myristic acids than most oils. I do have some customers that want just a plain no frills soap. I do not buy OO for soap, or very seldom, so I am trying to replace my 100% Castile soap with one of these.
I dragged out my 100% rice bran oil soap, I like it! It has a bit of "slip" but it's not "slimy", lathers about in the middle between coconut and olive single oil bars. I did these HP, not sure if CP would give the same results. That'll be my "vegan" bar now....
what is it about olive oil in soap that you do not like cmzaha?
I make a 75% olive soap and really like using/making the recipe
probably cost.. I was also selling my 100 CO soap but the shelf life in shower was bad. felt amazing with 100 percent aloe water non drying at 25 percent sf.. I tried it with Soy wax.. but in the end. i offer 100 percent co and my trusted true rock hard 41:59 made with cottonseed oil and palm oil shortening.
I do not like the feel of high OO soap, to me it always feels sticky. I have blind tested high OO soap and can always pick it out. Cost has absolutely nothing to do with it, I use Avo, Sunflower HO and Canola HO because I like the feel of the soap. Safflower is also nice and that will be my next 100% soap
Another Update, I tested the Canola HO and the Avocado single oils soaps today. The Avocado is getting worse and the Canola is lovely. Canola HO will be my Castile soap replacement. The Avocado has lost most of its gelatinous factor but it goes on with no lather until you add more water when washing hands with it. The Canola HO actually has a very nice lather