white soap

Soapmaking Forum

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  1. tomahtashi

    Making White Soap

    Hi everyone, So I'm interested in making white soap (cold process). I've heard that Titanium Dioxide (TD) is typical to use to help get that desired look. However, I'm conscious on my environmental footprint when making soaps, and I've heard TD may have a negative effect on marine life. TD is...
  2. G

    liquid soap with palm olein turns thick creamy white

    Hello everyone I've run out of castor oil so I made new recipe with olive oil 30% ,palm olein 40%,coconut oil 30% ,after diluting, the soap was semi clear ,after about a week or so the soap turned white creamy and thick. I love it ,the soap is fantastic but I need to know what happened to it...
  3. serene_caprine

    Curing in the Fridge

    Hello! *Finally* I have achieve a cream-colored goat milk soap. Didn't burn the lactose at all, for now at least. It only took me 2 hours to accomplish :rolleyes: but I couldn't be happier with the way it looks. I mixed they lye and milk in an ice batch this time. Mixed 71* lye with 80*...
  4. S

    How to get my CP soap WHITE

    Hi! I'm new to cp soap making and have made a variety of recipes including using heavy cream, coconut milk, titanium and micas and have yet to produce the white I want or need. Is there a trick? is it the type of oils I'm using? Thanks! shakti
  5. M

    Using Titanium Dioxide

    I make only goat milk soap and love its natural creamy color but would like to do some color swirls. I have read about using titanium dioxide to whiten soap and wondered if it worked with goat milk soap. I also read about water based versus oil based titanium dioxide but when I look at it to...