palm kernel oil

Soapmaking Forum

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  1. butter_fluessigseife.mp4


    HP liquid soap made with 40% dairy butter. Experimental dual-stage process with intermediate addition of citric acid to liberate volatile (stinky) fatty acids from the clarified butter. Satisfactory deodorising, good clarity, optimal viscosity: bubbles rise very slowly when flipped upside down.
  2. cmzaha

    2% does make a difference

    Stupid me, I decided to up my CO/PKO by 2% to up bubbly factor, that did not work out well. Yep, it lathers better and faster than my 15-17% CO/PKO in most soaps but it is now going to require me to age it at least 3 months if not 4 before taking to market. Sadly I needed these for restocking...