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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. S

    Oil Additives in MP Soap

    Hi. I’m very new to this. I would like to use natural colorants in melt and pour soap but they are made by cold infusions in oil. But I have learned adding oil to MP bases would essentially ruin the base if it’s anything more than a tsp per lb. However I have learned that you can be a little...
  2. M

    Goat’s milk M&P base, EO fragrance question(s)

    I’m using a goat milk m&p base (Our Earth’s Secrets) and I want to make a soap with Lavender, Sandalwood, and Lemon Eucalyptus EOs. Do you guys think it would be a good fragrance combination? Its main thing is to help repel mosquitoes. Any advice is welcome and appreciated!
  3. bellisimo

    Hello I'm new in Soap Making Forum!

    Hello community, my nickname is Bello, I've been studying soap making for more than a year, but never made soap until a month ago. Currently, I'm focused on Liquid Soap. I've been able to make two batches with different recipes that I calculated out of my year of learning. The first one came...
  4. S

    Help troubleshooting please

    Hello, I am working on making a good Castillo soap. It works well and it is nice and creamy. But the bars have developed a weird white layer. Can anyone give me some advide on what I am doing wrong? I used soapcalc to get the recipe right, then blended the heck out of it with an immersion...
  5. peachymoon

    Recipe help - making my first batch larger than 1lb.

    Hi all, This weekend I would like to attempt making my first batch larger than 1 lb. I am using the Crafter's Choice wood & silicone mold that hold about a 55 oz. batch. I actually have yet to use any of my first several batches, as they are still curing, but I wanted to branch out. I am also...
  6. C

    Newbie to the world of CP soap making - Help needed :)

    Hi guys. :) I am new to this whole wonderful world of soap making. I wanted to try it for a while after watching so many videos of people making such lovely designs and thought I would give it a go as a creative outlet. I made my first ever batch with melt and pour soup base, lemon (I think...
  7. TinaB82

    Hi I’m Tina

    Hey guys I’m new here... Found your forums when searching for ways to replace coconut oil in solid soap recipes because of allergies in our home... I have been looking at and thinking about making my own soaps since roughly 2004/2005 but just haven’t yet due to the expense factor... Recently...
  8. David Christopher

    Pumpkin soap for beginner

    Hello to all I need a little help with playing around with recipes. I’m planning on making a very simple Pumpkin soap, using either a very simple 3 oil Crisco or olive oil recipe that may include goat milk. I have seen s number of recipes and was wondering. Do I reduce my water ( goats milk)...
  9. K

    Hello from Malaysia

    Hello, I am Kammy and a newbie. I haven't made any handmade soap yet because I'm still researching and learning before I start. Any tips for an anxious newbie like me? :)
  10. W

    Solid chunks and loose oils

    Hi. I mixed my lye water with my oils stirred in fragrance into that and trace started pretty fast. Then part of mixture started to get hard and some still oil . What is this from and will soap still cure properly Thank you dave
  11. Iluminameluna

    Where are my manners?!

    Hello, Soaping geniuses! My name is Jessie and I've been lurking and posting (a bit) and though I read through the pinned posts, I'd never introduced myself. That's just rude and inexcusable, right? :rolleyes: So here are my bonafides: I'm originally from San Francisco, but in a very...
  12. Tasha89

    need help fast on my lye solution master batch

    I was trying to create a 50/50 master batch of lye solution and well I came up short on lye. I had not weighed the lye separately soooo it's already mixed together....I know it was dumb of me not to double check my weights but I really thought I had a lot more left in the lye container. Here are...
  13. Holoi

    My first ever M&P attempt, recipe advice needed.

    Hello you lovely lot. As I'm more scientific and a bit OCD in the kitchen, I identified, a long time ago, I'd probably be better suited to soap making than food making. So yesterday I gave it a go and loved it. However the results were not perfect and I be grateful of some advice to get my...
  14. J

    Dry crumbled soap

    Hi, I have been making CP soap for about a month now. I have had much success, but 2 failures today. I have a question about one of them though. I un molded my loaf today and cut it, the loaf is dry and a crumbled. After the loaf was poured in the mold and insulated it also kind of all...
  15. S

    Made the first move

    Well today I made the first move in my soap addiction. I've ordered lots of supplies I just hope I have everything needed to make a start Here's what I have up to yet Lye ,olive oil ,castor oil ,coconut oil ,jojoba oil,Mica, fragrance oils ,shea butter ,avacardo butter,moulds, bowls spoons...
  16. S

    How should I store soap I have made but am not using yet?

    Hi guys, Made my very first batch of soap ever, and now that the soap is in the molds hardening...I suddenly have questions. If the molds are fairly small, how many hours until I can pop the soap out? More importantly, I will now have 9 bars of soap in my house waiting to be used or given...
  17. A

    KOH for hard soaps?

    We heat our home with primarily wood so I have lots of ash just lying around. Found out you can make lye, awesome! I have researched a bunch on CP but all I have found is that when using KOH you need to use tallow to make a harder soap. I can't cause my husband is allergic to red meat. And I...
  18. MatthewDM

    Thoughts on this recipe

    I am a complete newbie. What are your thoughts on this CP recipe? What changes do you recommend? Anything you think I should add, omit? 30% olive oil pomace 30% coconut oil (76 degree) 15% castor 10% advocado oil 8% Shea butter (raw) 5% sunflower oil 2% jojoba Super fatted 3% with Shea butter...
  19. Stacy

    Opinions on Canadian Suppliers

    Thanks to anyone who reads, whether you're able to offer an opinion or not. It may be a little long as I have background and a couple of questions. If you’re not interested in the specifics, please scroll down to the TL;DR section! First off, I have already read a few posts regarding Saffire...
  20. C

    milk soap put inside the fridge is soft after unmolding

    i made my first batch of milk soap. i put the soap in the freezer, then placed it inside the fridge. i waited about 12 hours from unmolding before i cut the soap. it has been 2 days since i cut it, and it's still soft. is this normal for a soap placed inside the fridge/freezer? and i...