
Soapmaking Forum

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  1. Mobjack Bay

    SMF June 2024 Un-Challenge – A Favorite Song

    Welcome to the SMF June 2024 Un-Challenge. For this Un-Challenge, you will create soap that is inspired by a favorite song or music. You may translate the inspiration into soap through design, color, scent, size, shape, soap method/medium (CP, HP, M&P, soap dough), embeds, mica lines, stamps...
  2. Savage Daughter

    What's your personal soundtrack today?

    I thought it would be fun to see what other people are listening to, share the fun :) Human beings are hilarious, and very unique in our ability to make music & to dance, finding joy in frequencies & rhythms that speak to our hearts....when I doubt that, I imagine the deer & racoons rocking...
  3. Yellow Submarine - 2018March -DSCF6024.JPG

    Yellow Submarine - 2018March -DSCF6024.JPG

    Yellow Submarine soap made with granddaughter March 2018 for song-inspired soap. Melt & Pour adorned with soap dough embellishments
  4. Techie Joe

    Hi from Dublin, Ireland

    Hi everyone, I'm a beginner at soap-making, I've only made one small Hot Process batch so far which I will link in the replies (once I have written about it). I'm a technician of many varieties including electrical, mechanical, theatrical, Reiki (2), musical (guitar), alternative energies, and...