
Soapmaking Forum

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  1. M

    “Moisturizing” Soap?

    Im newer at soap making but have made a fair amount of batches of soap over the last few months, using different recipes from some books I have. I’m starting to notice some differences in the batches now that some are cured. Much of the soap seems to really wash away the oils from my hands...
  2. R

    Recipe review / Critique please

    So this is my 3rd batch of CP and I finally got some oils that I wanted to try. I wanted a hard moisturizing bar basically. What is not shown on the recipe is that I used whole milk in place of H2O (300g milk 80g cream) when making the lye mix (these were frozen cubes which kept the milk from...
  3. S

    Newbie Soap Maker - help with some issues

    Hi everyone, After a lot of research and internet crawling, I finally made my first 3lb batch of soap. I have let it cure for 5 weeks and was finally able to test out my batch. However, there are 2 major issues that I am seeking help with. 1) After rinsing off the soap, it leaves a...
  4. J

    Trying for a moisturizing body wash

    I've successfully made some basic liquid soaps, and I am moving on to attempt some super-moisturizing body washes. The idea was to combine my lotion-making experience with my new soap-making skills :) Well, it isn't working as I'd hoped. I've attempted to emulsify about 10 - 20% extra oil...