
Soapmaking Forum

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  1. T

    Thanks for having me! Relatively rookie soap maker making a career out of it

    Hi! My name is Albert. I began making my own soap to solve a life style problem I was running into. Due to some health complications a few years ago, I had to start holistically trying to reduce imflammation and optimize my hormones. This path led me to be passionately against harmful...
  2. WhittanyWho

    Whittany Who?

    I’ve found SMF very helpful over the years, but I’ve never signed up to participate in discussions. One of my soap sisters invited me to challenge with her, and here I am getting started so I can do so eventually. I’m a full time math teacher and a small time soap maker. I’m glad to join and see...
  3. Suchisam

    Hi I'm new!

    Hi my name's Sam, I'm from Montreal and I've recently become fascinated with soapmaking. As a kid I had a huge closet and that's where my "lab" was. Now I feel like I'm doing it for real, especially with my safety goggles and gloves I look like a mad scientist. I have a binder filled with notes...
  4. F_Drip

    I Dream In Soap!

    The idea of making soap started as more of a fun idea, as I enjoy creating with my hands no matter how it comes out (mind you, I’m not very great but that doesn’t ever stop me). Just like I learned to make my fabulous chapsticks in 2019, in December 2020, I decided I wanted to start making soap...
  5. S

    Small-Medium Sized Soap Production Southern Africa

    Hi! I am looking at starting a small-medium sized soap business in Southern Africa, mainly Zimbabwe and South Africa. It's preliminary research at the moment but let's see! I wanted to put this shoutout out there, in case any fellow African 'soapers' were on this forum too, and to engage...
  6. K

    Hello, totally new soaping student

    Hello! My name is Kat and I transition my crafty studies to encompass a new medium once every couple of years or so. I thought it would be good practice to a) learn how to become independent of the commercial premade soap supply chain, which is currently very stressed in America because everyone...
  7. Emma Cook

    Hi! I’m Emma!(:

    Hello everyone! My name is Emma and I’m 18 years old and currently studying business administration in college. :) I guess something that I will share about myself is that I am autistic! Being on the spectrum does interfere with my daily life, but it is a huge part of my personality! I’ve come...
  8. Keaton

    Just made my first batch 3 hours ago...

    I started out on a DIY natural beauty kick, and I was kicking around online in bed, planning out a whole two-step washing, clay and essential oil and blabla regimen. The first site recommended a face wash with liquid castile soap as the base. IDK how much it costs where y'all live, but even...
  9. S

    Hello from Maine

    Hello, my name is Carrie and I'm very excited about joining this group. My love of soaping grows more and more everyday. Looking forward to learning much and to share here too.
  10. Skittles

    Hello from WA

    Hello from a pretty new CP’er. My daughter and I bought some homemade soap over the Memorial Day weekend and it got me curious about the process. In June, my hubby and I did a date night “couples soap” class. My birthday is in early July, and hubby gave me gift cards to get my supplies. He and I...
  11. W

    Hello from Jakarta, Indonesia

    Hello soapers! I'm Wiwin (we-win) from Jakarta, Indonesia. I began interested in to soap-making about a year ago because my husband's skin is allergic to most of commercial soap. Diving head on, just jump in. Lots of trials and error (still formulating the right combination). Mostly because of...
  12. Peggyrae

    Southwest Girl joins SMF

    It was recommended that I post in the Introduction Forum so here I am! I have been making soaps since 2014 (wow, 5 years almost now). I have a small home based business in the Four Corners area of New Mexico called Man in the Moon Soaps (that is the reason I chose my current SMF avatar). I...
  13. U

    New here from California

    Hello fellow crafters! So glad to find this forum. I've been binge reading lye-based forum primarily but will check out the rest as well! I started middle of this year with soapmaking for home but the hobby quicky became a bit more intense. I tried selling my creations on a neighbor's holiday...
  14. sara.runs.wild

    Greetings from the Northwoods of Wisconsin!

    Hello! My name is Sara. I am so happy I found this forum. I own a small herbal apothecary (Wild River Apothecary) and herbal magazine (Home Herbalist) in North West Wisconsin. I made soap about 10 years ago when we were trying to grow our homestead. But gave it up because I decided to focus...
  15. Yolandi

    Hello from South Africa

    Hi All, My name is Yolandi and I just started a soap business from home, South Africa. I would love to extend it. I just love making all these beautiful products with my hands and love the feedback I get from customers after using the products. I actually started Soap making from a young...
  16. inkbookandsoap

    Hello, Soapy Friends!

    I'm Alexis, and I'm (obviously) new here :3 I've been intensely interested (dare I say, obsessed with) soaping for years. I made some MP bars back in the day, and loved it, but I really wanted to try CP. Unfortunately, I didn't have a good place for it, at the time, so I put it on the...
  17. Alison9712

    New from Oregon

    Greetings, I'm new to this site, from Oregon. I made my first batch of CP soap about 15 years ago, and made a few batches since then. I recently got out all my supplies, bought some new molds and made a batch of Olive Oil soap, and tried a new (to me) recipe for goat milk soap. I have many...
  18. Omneya

    Hello from Massachusetts

    Hello, I think I am new If I am not, then I just wasn't ready to be active. I have been making CP soap since last November. Before that was melt and pour and before that was just essential oil's for my daughter's skin condition (Hidradenitis Suppurativa‎) Although that is still...
  19. WanderlustSoaps

    Hello World...

    Well Hello Everyone, My name is Ken and I’m stationed in Virginia, USA. A little about me, then how I got the soaping bug. I have been in the US Navy for 20+ years now. Started as a Nuclear Engineer, then a Steam Engineer, and for the last 14 years I have been a Gas Turbine Engine...
  20. K

    Hello from Clayton , North Carolina!

    Hello, my name is cody. I began making soap in early January 2016 and have branched out from there. Making other bath and body products as well. I am very excited to be apart of the SMF to learn more about soap making from those who have perfected the trade. Seeing everyones posts and individual...