
Soapmaking Forum

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  1. L

    Moisturiser for Eczema

    Hi my name is Rebecca and have been creating Candles for roughly 5 years. My question is my 11 year old, son has bad eczema on his legs and arms. We have tried all the pharmaceutical creams and none work for him. So we looked into creating a natural cream for him in the hope it will help...
  2. Morning Glory

    The effects of different process (cp, hp, cpop) on long cure (6-12+) OO and other plant based soap

    Good morning! I'm hoping some kind people could share their knowledge and experience about a topic I am confused on. For those of you who make long cure (6-12+ months) OO soap and other plant oil/butter soap, do you use hp, cp, or cpop? Something else? If you've done more than one process are...
  3. Nyknits

    I gotta keep my head on straight

    I find myself going from topic to It’s all so interesting and inspiring. I want to make all the soaps. But, I do know it’s all in good time. Today I’m trying a goat’s milk soap with honey. I may add some oats on top for interest. I don’t hve any fragrance oils, just EO. Maybe...
  4. Nyknits

    Are butters effective in soap?

    Good morning from Long Island, NY! Hey everybody, I have taken the advice given and limited myself to simple soap recipes and one soaping process. I started with hot process at the end of May (I waited for the Mercury retrograde to be over) and have 4 batches under my belt. I’ve been handing...
  5. Megan Garland

    CBD oil in CP Soap

    has anyone used CBD oil in cold process soap? If so what were your results or any recommendations? Thanks! ❤️
  6. bizarrebunny

    New to soap making...Iodine and INS numbers!

    Hi, soap making noob here. I have very sensitive, eczema prone skin and I'm currently stuck using a hair and body wash made for children with sensitive skin. I've started researching soap making as I'd quite like having something a bit more 'grown-up' to use. So far I've come up with a list of...
  7. T

    Do the properties of Nettle Powder make it thru Saponification?

    Hi! Thanks for taking the time to read my post. I used to make Nettle Soap for Eczema and Psoriasis using a melt and pour base but have this year switched to cp base and I am wondering wither the properties of the powder carry thru the saponification process? If you have any experience...
  8. O

    Favourite Recipes - Shampoo, Etc.

    Here are some recipes that I thought other soapers might be interested in. They have been very successful for me over the past 8 years. Note: I take my water component, cut it in half when using milk, and mix my lye with only the water. I add the milk to the oils when I'm ready to mix in my...
  9. J

    Milk Soap for toddler and adult with Eczema?

    Hello All, I just started making soap and I am totally hooked. My coworker mentioned that her toddler and her husband both have eczema. Right away, I offered to make them some soap! I rushed home and started googling. I thought it would be easy to find advice on the best ingredients to use...
  10. squyars


    Hello, Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Michelle. I live in Williamsburg, VA. Very much a newbie at soap making. I became interested in making my own soap because I have terrible eczema and dermatitis which is worsened by all the cleansers and detergents I use. Just made my first cp...
  11. mcdonaldjs

    New and looking for ideas for sensitive skin

    Hi all, My daughters and I have very sensitive skin and everything we buy in stores irritates our skin. So... we have decided to start making our own soap. I began making our own laundry soap a month ago and we already see a big difference. Now we're on the quest to learn how to make our own...