
Soapmaking Forum

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  1. EllieMae

    Citrus Scents in CP

    This may be a silly, basic question but...I know citrus EOs do not fare well in CP because the scent tends to fade/not make it through the saponification process. Would using an FO take care of that problem? If citrus FOs do well in CP - what are some of your faves/go-tos? I currently use...
  2. L

    Favorite citrus for CP

    I have just used up my last Satsuma Guava that I purchased from a Co-op a couple of years ago. I need a new citrus to replace it and it needs to be a fragrance that sticks well enough that the soap will be good to sell in 6 months and use in 1 year. My preference is a blend rather than a...
  3. J

    how to work with citrus essential oil

    hello all, i am new to soap making, and i really want to do citrus soaps, but i talking to someone who makes them and she says the cirtus is tricky and sometimes it wont hold the smell, but she said there are some essential oils that help the soap hold on to the citrus , i really want to work...
  4. JuliaGulia

    Adding Citrus Juice to CP Soap?

    Hello! :wave: I'm very new to all of this, I've actually never made CP soap before. My Mother and I have been meaning to try it for the longest time. For my first batch of soap I would really like to make a dupe of a Lush soap called Sexy Peel. I've only tried Lush once, and it was pretty over...