
Soapmaking Forum

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  1. Garden Gives Me Joy

    Sodium Gluconate (SG) &/ Citric Acid in Brine Soap to deeply clean oil & dirt

    My #1 aim is to maintain the apparently deep cleansing and oil fighting properties of magnesium, calcium, and potassium in BRINE soap. However, do these same wonderful minerals promote rancidity and soap scum? Furthermore, do chelators like sodium citrate (derived from adding citric acid) and or...
  2. SaltedFig

    GLDA, a modern alternative to EDTA

    I posted this information in another thread, but I'm placing the information here so it can be easily found. EDTA EDTA, created in 1935, is a persistant organic pollutant (or POP). EDTA is not biodegradeable, is fossil-fuel based, is...
  3. DeeAnna

    Calling all amateur soap chemists -- Disodium EDTA experiment

    Short version: Would people who have Disodium EDTA (I really do mean Disodium, not Tetrasodium!) do me a favor -- would you please try to dissolve Di EDTA in the lye solution you use for your next soap batch and report back? Some questions I have for you -- Does the Di EDTA dissolve easily in...
  4. Lankan

    Citrates : The Chemistry behind..

    I've read about ions of sodium & potassium Citrates improving the soap by reducing the soap scum by binding up the metal ions, thus act as a clelating agent. the above article by DeeAnna provides simplified approach to use of Cirtates in the soaps...
  5. elurah

    Brainstorming: Experiences with Preservatives, Antioxidants, and Chelating agents in Soap

    Hi all, Discussion in another thread concerning DOS prompted my interest in additives that reduce the risk of fatty acid oxidation and rancidity in soap. This paper mentions different combinations including ROE +EDTA and BHT + Sodium...
  6. Sacto

    Preferred Chelating Agents

    When it comes to using chelating agents, what are your preferences? I know some use EDTA others Sodium Citrate. Are there others you prefer to use? Also, why do you prefer one over the other? I have been using Citric Acid and Sodium Hydroxide to make my own Sodium Citrate.